taylorbrooks / closeio

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[#66] Fix faraday basic_auth warning in connection #67

Closed Piioupiou closed 2 years ago

Piioupiou commented 2 years ago

Fix Faraday basic auth deprecation

WARNING: `Faraday::Connection#basic_auth` is deprecated; it will be removed in version 2.0.
While initializing your connection, use `#request(:basic_auth, ...)` instead.
See https://lostisland.github.io/faraday/middleware/authentication for more usage info.
jeantristan commented 2 years ago

@taylorbrooks hello, is it possible to merge this PR ?

taylorbrooks commented 2 years ago

Is this backwards compatible with the 1.x.x version of Faraday?

Piioupiou commented 2 years ago

Yes : In : https://lostisland.github.io/faraday/middleware/authentication It is stated that the usage for 1.x is as follow :

# Basic Auth request
# Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Faraday.new(...) do |conn|
  conn.request :basic_auth, 'username', 'password'

# Token Auth request
# `options` are automatically converted into `key=value` format
# Authorization: Token authentication-token <options>
Faraday.new(...) do |conn|
  conn.request :token_auth, 'authentication-token', **options

# Generic Auth Request
# Authorization: Bearer authentication-token
Faraday.new(...) do |conn|
  conn.request :authorization, 'Bearer', 'authentication-token'

We can also see that in V1.0-rc1 (In the commitf 1b26575 : https://github.com/lostisland/faraday/pull/832/files#diff-fbf2a9359f64f8b10713cb330bf684486b648e358381d9f7f9004c6f36721813)

There is a rspec on this, implemented this way :

let(:conn) do
    Faraday.new do |b|
      b.request auth_type, *auth_config
      b.adapter :test do |stub|
        stub.get('/auth-echo') do |env|
          [200, {}, env[:request_headers]['Authorization']]


   describe 'basic_auth' do
    let(:auth_type) { :basic_auth }

    context 'when passed correct params' do
      let(:auth_config) { %w(aladdin opensesame) }

      it { expect(response.body).to eq('Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l') }

      include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication'

    context 'when passed very long values' do
      let(:auth_config) { ['A' * 255, ''] }

      it { expect(response.body).to eq("Basic #{'QUFB' * 85}Og==") }

      include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication'

NB: In faraday 2.x we should use :

Faraday.new(...) do |conn|
  conn.request :authorization, :basic, 'username', 'password'
taylorbrooks commented 2 years ago

@Piioupiou Pushed 3.8.0 to Rubygems.