I was working on this ping pong game but got stucked along the line.
The paddle were not to drag lines having drop a line of code
paddle_a.penup() #and
Kindly assist.
ping pong game
import turtle
setup screen
wn = turtle.Screen()
wn.title("Ping pong game")
wn.setup(width=800, height=600)
wn.tracer(0) # the tracer updates the screen per time
I was working on this ping pong game but got stucked along the line.
The paddle were not to drag lines having drop a line of code
paddle_a.penup() #and
Kindly assist.
I was working on this ping pong game but got stucked along the line.
The paddle were not to drag lines having drop a line of code paddle_a.penup() #and paddle_b.penup()/
Kindly assist.
ping pong game
import turtle
setup screen
wn = turtle.Screen() wn.title("Ping pong game") wn.setup(width=800, height=600) wn.bgcolor('black') wn.tracer(0) # the tracer updates the screen per time
set up paddle a
paddle_a = turtle.Turtle() paddle_a.speed(0) paddle_a.color("white") paddle_a.shape("square") paddle_a.shapesize(stretch_wid=5, stretch_len=1) paddle_a.goto(-350, 0) paddle_a.penup()
set paddle b
paddle_b = turtle.Turtle() paddle_b.speed(0) paddle_b.color("white") paddle_b.shape("square") paddle_b.shapesize(stretch_wid=5, stretch_len=1) paddle_b.goto(350, 0) paddle_b.penup()
ball = turtle.Turtle() ball.speed(0) ball.color("white") ball.shape("circle") ball.goto(0, 0) ball.penup()
def paddle_a_up(): y = paddle_a.ycor() y += 20 paddle_a.sety(y)
def paddle_a_down(): y = paddle_a.ycor() y -= 20 paddle_a.sety(y)
def paddle_b_up(): y = paddle_b.ycor() y += 20 paddle_b.sety(y)
def paddle_b_down(): y = paddle_b.ycor() y -= 20 paddle_b.sety(y)
main game loop
setkeyboard bindings
wn.listen() wn.onkeypress(paddle_a_up, "w") wn.onkeypress(paddle_a_down, "s") wn.onkeypress(paddle_b_up, "p") wn.onkeypress(paddle_b_down, "l")
while True: wn.update()