As the Tazama Product Manager,
I want to differentiate between members who have write access and visibility over private repositories and members who have main-branch merge access
So that I can minimize the Project's exposure to unauthorized changes to the source code.
Acceptance Criteria
Please set up the following roles on the Tazama GitHub Organization.
Member – read access to all repositories. Member is an existing role group. All existing members must remain as members in the Organization.
Contributors - someone who can contribute to all repos (PR, commits).
Maintainer (Committer) – someone who can merge, subject to reviews, etc. Maintainers are a new group. No maintainers are to be "promoted" yet.
Maintainers cannot merge their own work (Pull Requests)
Owner – administrative rights over the organization. Owner is an existing role group. All existing owners should remain owners.
Implement as close to specified as possible, in our Team account
As the Tazama Product Manager, I want to differentiate between members who have write access and visibility over private repositories and members who have main-branch merge access So that I can minimize the Project's exposure to unauthorized changes to the source code.
Acceptance Criteria
Please set up the following roles on the Tazama GitHub Organization.
Implement as close to specified as possible, in our Team account