HI again,
So I was running this project, first I get an error at line 207 in main.m
I get the error
error: matrix cannot be indexed with .
error: called from
main at line 207 column 1
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
error: called from
main at line 207 column 1
So then I change
for sid = unique(nodule_detection_evaluation.sid)'
for sid = unique(nodule_detection_evaluation)'
Then this is where I'm having trouble understanding the design of the project.
So when I input about 133 LIDC_IDRC images (DICOM) like this
path_nodule = [pwd '/output_data']; %pwd : returns the current directory
path_data = [pwd '/Users/aneeshers/Documents/LIDC-DRI/DICOM']; %dcm files directory
This than results to
nodule_detection_summary = [](0x0)
Which doesn't sound right. So after experimenting different paths and what not, I decided to see what happens when no path is given like so
path_data = [pwd '']; %dcm files directory
Which also gave me the same result!
So then I concluded that it was not the right place to out the path, I tried it in the output path because of the name path_nodule. But that also did not work out well. So then I start retracing the input which looks like it is
filename_input = [ct_img_path pid '_input.mat'];
What I don't understand is what the pids is and what it is for? I opened it in the output file generated, which just shows
# Created by Octave 4.0.3, Thu Dec 29 22:48:06 2016 EST <aneeshers@Aneeshs-MacBook-Pro.local>
# name: dicom_path_list
# type: cell
# rows: 0
# columns: 0
# name: pid_list
# type: cell
# rows: 0
# columns: 0
So yea that's so far that's been in my mind, then I tested the dicom read function by immediately assigning
ipath = '/Users/aneeshers/Documents/LIDC-DRI/DICOM'
I'm still testing this part......
_## So what would be the appropriate way to input the data? Is it possible to show me an example of your dicom_pidlist.mat?
Thank you so much for your time and effort, Aneeshers
HI again, So I was running this project, first I get an error at line 207 in main.m
So then I change
for sid = unique(nodule_detection_evaluation.sid)'
tofor sid = unique(nodule_detection_evaluation)'
Then this is where I'm having trouble understanding the design of the project. So when I input about 133 LIDC_IDRC images (DICOM) like thisThis than results to
nodule_detection_summary = [](0x0)
Which doesn't sound right. So after experimenting different paths and what not, I decided to see what happens when no path is given like sopath_data = [pwd '']; %dcm files directory
Which also gave me the same result! So then I concluded that it was not the right place to out the path, I tried it in the output path because of the name path_nodule. But that also did not work out well. So then I start retracing the input which looks like it isfilename_input = [ct_img_path pid '_input.mat'];
What I don't understand is what thepids
is and what it is for? I opened it in the output file generated, which just showsSo yea that's so far that's been in my mind, then I tested the dicom read function by immediately assigning
ipath = '/Users/aneeshers/Documents/LIDC-DRI/DICOM'
I'm still testing this part...... _## So what would be the appropriate way to input the data? Is it possible to show me an example of your dicom_pidlist.mat?Thank you so much for your time and effort, Aneeshers