tb / ng2-nouislider

Angular2 noUiSlider directive
MIT License
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angular 2 nouislider: How to recreate the range ,min ,max values of the slider? #179

Open adityaitsrkr opened 6 years ago

adityaitsrkr commented 6 years ago

How can I recreate the slider with range, min and max data. seeing in the old example. I tried but not able to destroy the slider. Its errors out while using the this.slider.slider.destroy();

<nouislider [config]="chartRange" #slider [(ngModel)]="sliderrange" (update)="filterChart($event)"> @ViewChild('slider') slider; this.slider.slider.destroy();

I also Tried to get the object and change the values. this.slider.config.range.min = 1488456000000; this.slider.config.range.max = 1488715200000; this.slider.config.start[0] = 1488456000000; this.slider.config.start[1] = 1488715200000;