tbabej / vit

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[VT-23] vit; header enhancements; date-time and sync-status #23

Open tbabej opened 6 years ago

tbabej commented 6 years ago

David Patrick on 2013-09-01T22:57:24Z says:

With the advent of taskd (still in late alpha) task now issues a warning if un-synced changes have been made, but vit hasn't yet got a place to display sync-status. As the subject suggests, this feature request is for an enhancement of the vit header. Right now, the header has 2 lines and 4 data points, left and right justified, and I think there's room for 2 more data points in the center; date-time and sync-status.

Knowing at a glance if you should issue a sync command before you go, will make that part easy, and being conscious of how long you have (or haven't) been working on a task, even just noting the time, is going to be a productivity booster. I don't know how areas are defined in ncurses, nor how to center-justify such a thing, but I'm pretty sure we need this information all the time, front and center!.

tbabej commented 6 years ago

Migrated metadata:

Created: 2013-09-01T22:57:24Z
Modified: 2014-06-19T21:13:31Z
tbabej commented 6 years ago

David Patrick on 2014-06-19T21:13:31Z says:

daemon required for live time functions.