tbabej / vit

Placeholder to demostrate issue porting for VIT.
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[VT-37] vit -1 option #37

Open tbabej opened 6 years ago

tbabej commented 6 years ago

David Patrick on 2013-10-26T22:37:56Z says:

This feature request is the result of experiments jumping back and forth vetween vit and vim-taskwarrior. (see description and analogous feature request here; https://github.com/farseer90718/vim-taskwarrior/issues/22 )

Multiple instances of vit are not necessarily a problem, but there is no way for them to stay in sync with each other.

The idea behind the "vit -1 [args]" switch is to prevent multiple instances of vit from being launched. With this option vit will start by looking for another vit instance. If one is found and the are no [args] then that instance should "switched to". If the ARE [args] then the running instance should be stopped and a new one started with the new arguments. If the are multiple instances of vit found running, the -1 switch should maybe throw an error, and perhaps ask if they should all be stopped?

tbabej commented 6 years ago

Migrated metadata:

Created: 2013-10-26T22:37:56Z
Modified: 2017-02-01T18:07:34Z
tbabej commented 6 years ago

Scott Kostyshak on 2015-02-28T23:21:20Z says:

What is the use case? Is the root reason VT-47 (multiple VITs could corrupt each other)?

tbabej commented 6 years ago

David Patrick on 2017-02-01T18:05:36Z says:

the use-case is when some script calls vit, a new instance will be created, where ideally, if vit were already running it would be better to call/ connect to the open window. This might already be do-able with smarter scripting.