tbabej / vit

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[VT-45] vit; .taskrc overrides in .vitrc #45

Open tbabej opened 6 years ago

tbabej commented 6 years ago

David Patrick on 2013-09-08T00:51:37Z says:

All the defaults for tw are in .taskrc, and vit normally inherits those settings. This feature is to allow any .taskrc setting to be entered in.vitrc, and at runtime these default overrides are used. Allowing wide differences in settings between the interactive and the cli, like default.command, for instance.

tbabej commented 6 years ago

Migrated metadata:

Created: 2013-09-08T00:51:37Z
Modified: 2015-02-28T23:34:08Z
tbabej commented 6 years ago

David Patrick on 2013-09-08T02:17:08Z says:

This would allow vit to have its own "include" files, and so separate reports/theme from tw, as another eammple.

tbabej commented 6 years ago

Scott Kostyshak on 2015-02-28T23:34:08Z says:

Would you be satisfied if VIT just allows you to specify an alternate .taskrc file?