tbabej / vit

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[VT-58] VITtk needs some speed #58

Closed tbabej closed 6 years ago

tbabej commented 6 years ago

David Patrick on 2011-04-24T05:36:40Z says:

I tried "VITtk":/wiki/Vittk again today, and remembered why I had drifted away from every-day use;

a) record selection movement is too slow I know that sounds nuts for a console app, but even a small lag in response to arrow-key entry causes an uncertainty about whether the keypress registered or not. A wee bit of patience and you can easily get used to the cadence, and perhaps it's just on my totally crappy celeron desktop, but if there is any way to crisp up that response, it would help.

b) refresh times are too slow Again, not Steve's fault that a higher level language (tk) that calls on another application (c++) is going to take some time to process, but the refresh time is expensive in terms of working through a list. If you have ten records to modify and one minute to do it in, that refresh time becomes more of an issue. It's a little thing, but a big thing.

One thing that would help a lot, is the power of multiple-select. If I could use the space-bar to toggle marking a task for action, before moving down, and then I could act on that selected group, then that refresh lag would be less of an issue.

tbabej commented 6 years ago

Migrated metadata:

Created: 2011-04-24T05:36:40Z
Modified: 2014-02-09T02:23:41Z
tbabej commented 6 years ago

steve rader on 2011-04-24T13:47:37Z says:

No one else has reported performance issues. Can you please try VITtk on something besides "totally crappy" hardware and report back? Consider using ^f and ^b or pageUp and pageDown.

I do now notice an issue with pressing and holding up/down/j/k: only the first up/down scroll is rendered. I'll look into fixing that.

tbabej commented 6 years ago

steve rader on 2012-11-24T19:00:15Z says:

VITtk bugs have been deprecated by [[vit|Vit]].

The issues discussed here "just go away" with [[vit|Vit]] because it's is a true "terminal-native" (curses) program. (They are side effects of the fact that VITtk uses Xwindows.)