Select a task, hit and vit displays the selected task's info. so far, so good.
" Press return to continue." is the only available option at this point. It's a good option, but shouldn't be the ONLY option. Because you are looking at the task details, you are perhaps in the best position to mark it d(one), D(eleted), make a modification, etc. so why not make all of the regular keybindings available in the info report screen?
David Patrick on 2014-06-08T23:02:01Z says:
Select a task, hit and vit displays the selected task's info. so far, so good.
" Press return to continue." is the only available option at this point. It's a good option, but shouldn't be the ONLY option. Because you are looking at the task details, you are perhaps in the best position to mark it d(one), D(eleted), make a modification, etc. so why not make all of the regular keybindings available in the info report screen?