tbaddade / redaxo_url

REDAXO 5 AddOn zur URL-Generierung für eigene AddOns (ehemals Url Control, ehemals Frau Schultze)
MIT License
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VideoUrl #252

Open thielpeter opened 2 years ago

thielpeter commented 2 years ago

Kann es sein, dass die VideoUrl-Klasse nicht funktioniert?


`<?php namespace Url;

use Riimu\Kit\UrlParser\Uri; use Riimu\Kit\UrlParser\UriParser;

class VideoUrl extends Url { public $aspectRatio = '16:9'; public $autoPlay = false; public $fullscreen = true; public $related = false; public $urlParams = [];

public function __call($method, $arguments)
    if (method_exists('Uri', $method)) {
        return $this->uri->$method(...$arguments);
    } else {
        return $this->$method(...$arguments);

public static function parse($url)
    return new self($url);

 * Returns a embed code.
 * @return string the embed url
public function getEmbedCode()
    $attributes = [
        'src' => $this->getEmbedUrl(),
    if ($this->fullscreen) {
        $attributes['allowfullscreen'] = 'allowfullscreen';

    return '<div class="embed-responsive aspect-ratio-'.str_replace(':', 'by', $this->aspectRatio).'"><iframe '.\rex_string::buildAttributes($attributes).'></iframe></div>';

 * Returns a embed code.
 * @return string the embed url
public function getPlayerCode()
    $attributes = [
        'class' => 'js-player',
        'data-type' => $this->getService(),
        'data-video-id' => $this->getId(),

    return '<div'.\rex_string::buildAttributes($attributes).'></div>';

 * Builds a embed url from a video id.
 * @return string the embed url
public function getEmbedUrl()
    if ($this->isVimeo()) {
        return $this->getVimeoEmbedUrl();
    if ($this->isYoutube()) {
        return $this->getYoutubeEmbedUrl();

    return null;

 * @return null|string Null on failure, the video's id on success
public function getId()
    if ($this->isVimeo()) {
        return $this->getVimeoId();
    if ($this->isYoutube()) {
        return $this->getYoutubeId();

    return null;

 * @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function getFullUrl()
    return $this->toString();

 * @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function getUrl()
    return $this->toString();

 * @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function hasQueryParameter()
    return $this->getQuery() ? true : false;

 * @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function getQueryParameter()
    return $this->getQuery();

 * @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
public function getService()
    $url = $this->getFullUrl();
    if (preg_match('%vimeo%i', $url)) {
        return 'vimeo';
    if (preg_match('%youtube|youtu\.be%i', $url)) {
        return 'youtube';

    return null;

 * Get a thumbnail url from a video id.
 * @return null|string the thumbnail url
public function getThumbnailUrl()
    if ($this->isVimeo()) {
        return $this->getVimeoThumbnailUrl();
    if ($this->isYoutube()) {
        return $this->getYoutubeThumbnailUrl();

    return null;

 * Builds a Vimeo embed url from a video id.
 * @return string The url's id
public function getVimeoEmbedUrl()
    $params = [
        'byline' => '0',
        'portrait' => '0',
    if ($this->autoPlay) {
        $params['autoplay'] = '1';
    $params = array_merge($params, $this->urlParams);
    $params = count($params) ? '?'.\rex_string::buildQuery($params) : '';

    return 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/'.$this->getVimeoId().$params;

 * Parses various vimeo urls and returns video identifier.
 * @return string The url's id
public function getVimeoId()
    return $this->getIdFromUrlPath();

 * Get a Vimeo thumbnail url from a video id.
 * @return null|string The thumbnail url
public function getVimeoThumbnailUrl()
    $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('http://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/'.$this->getVimeoId().'.json'), true);
    if (isset($data[0])) {
        return $data[0]['thumbnail_large'];

    return null;

 * Builds a Youtube embed url from a video id.
 * @return string The url's id
public function getYoutubeEmbedUrl()
    $params = [];

    if ($this->autoPlay) {
        $params['autoplay'] = '1';

    $params['rel'] = $this->related ? '1' : '0';
    $params = array_merge($params, $this->urlParams);
    $params = count($params) ? '?'.\rex_string::buildQuery($params) : '';

    return 'https://youtube.com/embed/'.$this->getYoutubeId().$params;

 * Parses various youtube urls and returns video identifier.
 * @return string the url's id
public function getYoutubeId()
    $url = $this->getUrl();
    $urlParamKeys = ['v', 'vi'];

    foreach ($urlParamKeys as $urlParamKey) {
        if ($this->hasQueryParameter($urlParamKey)) {
            return $this->getQueryParameter($urlParamKey);

    return $this->getIdFromUrlPath();

 * Get a Youtube thumbnail url from a video id.
 * @return string The thumbnail url
public function getYoutubeThumbnailUrl()
    return 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/'.$this->getYoutubeId().'/0.jpg';

 * @return bool
public function isVimeo()
    return $this->getService() == 'vimeo';

 * @return bool
public function isYoutube()
    return $this->getService() == 'youtube';

 * @param $aspectRatio string
 * @throws \rex_exception
public function setAspectRatio($aspectRatio)
    if (count(explode(':', $aspectRatio)) != 2) {
        throw new \rex_exception('$aspectRatio is expected to define two numbers separate by a colon, "'.$aspectRatio.'" given!');

    $this->aspectRatio = $aspectRatio;

 * @param $autoPlay bool
public function setAutoPlay($autoPlay = true)
    $this->autoPlay = $autoPlay;

 * @param $fullscreen bool
 * @throws \rex_exception
public function setFullscreen($fullscreen = true)
    $this->fullscreen = $fullscreen;

 * @param $related bool
 * @throws \rex_exception
public function setRelated($related = true)
    $this->related = $related;

 * @param $key string
 * @param $value bool|string
public function addUrlParam($key, $value)
    $this->urlParams[$key] = $value;

 * @return string The last element of the url path
protected function getIdFromUrlPath()
    $pathParts = explode('/', $this->getPath());

    return end($pathParts);

} `

skerbis commented 2 years ago

Wo wird das denn im AddOn gebraucht? Bin neugierig

thielpeter commented 2 years ago

Im Addon selber nicht, aber als Helfer-Klasse fürs Parsen von Vimeo oder YouTube Urls

skerbis commented 2 years ago

ok. Das Plyr AddOn hat auch entsprechende Methoden, deshalb frage ich.

tbaddade commented 2 years ago

Die Klasse ist ein Überbleibsel von der Version 1. Soll aber noch für die 2er Version aktualisiert werden.