tbaddade / redaxo_watson

Suchagent für REDAXO 4.5 + 5
MIT License
30 stars 9 forks source link

Fehler beim Aufruf #75

Open dergel opened 1 year ago

dergel commented 1 year ago

Das hier ist das Protokoll dazu.

Error Report:

Key Value
key: xxxxxxx
unixtime with microtime: 1693978069.9161
rex_sql_exception: Error while executing statement " SELECT a.id, a.clang_id, CONCAT(a.id, " ", a.clang_id) as bulldog FROM rex_article AS a WHERE () OR () GROUP BY bulldog LIMIT 20" using params []! SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') OR () GROUP BY bulldog LIMIT' at line 1
File: src/core/lib/sql/sql.php
Line: 406
Request-Uri: /redaxo/index.php?page=watson&watson_query=%09
Request-Method: GET
Function File Line
rex_sql->execute src/core/lib/sql/sql.php 449
rex_sql->setQuery src/addons/watson/lib/Watson/Foundation/Workflow.php 58
Watson\Foundation\Workflow->getDatabaseResults src/addons/watson/lib/Watson/Workflows/Structure/ArticleSearch.php 93
Watson\Workflows\Structure\ArticleSearch->fire src/addons/watson/lib/Watson/Foundation/Extension.php 142
Watson\Foundation\Extension::run src/core/lib/extension.php 52
rex_extension::{closure} src/core/lib/util/timer.php 56
rex_timer::measure src/core/lib/extension.php 63
rex_extension::registerPoint src/core/packages.php 31
include_once src/core/backend.php 199
require src/core/boot.php 155
require public/redaxo/index.php 14

System report (REDAXO 5.15.1, PHP 8.1.22, MySQL 8.0.34)

cukabeka commented 5 months ago

Habe ich auch - aktuell in REDAXO 5.13.3 PHP 8.1.28 MySQL 10.5.23

Ergebnis im Backend:
