tbalouet / WebVRDefender

A game project to show adaptive gameplay on multiple devices over WebVR
Apache License 2.0
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Avoid server-side file processing #1

Open Utopiah opened 7 years ago

Utopiah commented 7 years ago

Browserify and server-side file processing will remove most "users" of the experiment cf attempt to import to glitch https://glitch.com/edit/#!/webvrdefender that will be required for end-user who will want to fork the project.

tbalouet commented 7 years ago

So yeah, basically we need an architecture with simple HTML file talking to server and importing project files. Browserify shouldn't be in the Glitch project to simplify usage, but I think we should use it to bundle the different AFrame components, to avoid having to load XXX files.

So we should end up with a glitch in which the html file would fetch the following scripts:

What do you think? I'm afraid that separating components in different files, event if it simplify readability and access, might slow up load process a lot