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CPSplitView doesn’t honor splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt: when resizing window #727

Open tbalthazar opened 15 years ago

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

If I have the following method in a CPSplitView delegate:


it correctly keeps the subview at index 0 from ever being less than 200 pixels wide when moving the splitter around.

But if I resize the window and make the window smaller, the subview does get resized with a width less than 200 pixels...

I added a log message to the above method to check whether it ever gets called. When resizing the window, the method never gets called. It gets called plenty when moving the splitter.

original LH ticket

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tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

CPSplitView doesn’t honor splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt: when resizing window

The docs on Apple’s page say the following:

This method is invoked before the NSSplitView begins tracking the cursor to position a divider. You may further constrain the limits that have been already set, but you cannot extend the divider limits. proposedMin is specified in the NSSplitView’s flipped coordinate system. If the split bars are horizontal (views are one on top of the other), proposedMin is the top limit. If the split bars are vertical (views are side by side), proposedMin is the left limit. The initial value of proposedMin is the top (or left side) of the subview before the divider. offset specifies the divider the user is moving, with the first divider being 0 and going up from top to bottom (or left to right).

So it sounds like it should only be called during repositioning of the divider. Could you possibly do a test against Cocoa to see whether this is actually the case?

by Francisco Tolmasky

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

CPSplitView doesn’t honor splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt: when resizing window

Ok, I wrote a little cocoa app and this method does get called when the window is resized as well as when the divider is repositioned.

I attached the project if you care to see for yourself...

by Patrick Crosby

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

CPSplitView doesn’t honor splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt: when resizing window

Cool, I’ll try to fix this tomorrow then

by Francisco Tolmasky

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

CPSplitView doesn’t honor splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt: when resizing window

This hasn’t been fixed in 0.7b yet. Here is a test case : http://gist.github.com/83999

by Thomas Balthazar