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TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed #728

Open tbalthazar opened 15 years ago

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

cant get addTabViewItem:item to function, throws Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ’_superview’ of null

original LH ticket

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tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item

Could you show me the code snippet?

by Francisco Tolmasky

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item

var tabset=[[CPTabView alloc] initWithFrame:CPRectMake(10,10,300,300)]; var item1=[[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"0"]; [item1 setLabel:@"test"]; [tabset addTabViewItem:item1]; var item2=[[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"1"]; [item2 setLabel:@"test2"]; [tabset addTabViewItem:item2]; [label setStringValue:[[tabset numberOfTabViewItems] stringValue]]; [contentView addSubview:tabset]; [contentView addSubview:label];

by TG

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item

var tabset=[[CPTabView alloc] initWithFrame:CPRectMake(10,10,300,300)]; var item1=[[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"0"]; [item1 setLabel:@"test"]; [tabset addTabViewItem:item1]; var item2=[[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"1"]; [item2 setLabel:@"test2"]; [tabset addTabViewItem:item2]; [label setStringValue:[[tabset numberOfTabViewItems] stringValue]]; [contentView addSubview:tabset]; [contentView addSubview:label];

-----Original Message----- From: Lighthouse [mailto:support@lighthouseapp.com] Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:41 PM To: Tom Giannulli Subject: [Cappuccino #10] TabView add item

by TG

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item

Ah yes it’s because the tab view item doesn’t have an associated view ([item setView:myView]). I will check whether the expected behavior should be to raise an internsalinconsistencyexception or to just show nothing in the tabview.

For right now though, if you just do [item setView:[[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMakeZero()]]] it should work though.

by Francisco Tolmasky

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item

The error is solved but the tabs/labels are not displayed

by TG

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

var tabset=[[CPTabView alloc] initWithFrame:CPRectMake(10,10,300,300)]; var x=@"tab1"; var y=@"tab2"; var item1=[[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:x]; [item1 setLabel:@"test1"]; [item1 setView:[[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CPRectMake(0,0,0,0)]]; [tabset addTabViewItem:item1]; var item2=[[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:y]; [item2 setLabel:@"test2"]; [item2 setView:[[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CPRectMake(0,0,200,200)]]; [tabset addTabViewItem:item2];

[tabset setTabViewType:CPTopTabsBezelBorder];
[label setStringValue:[[tabset numberOfTabViewItems] stringValue]];
[contentView addSubview:tabset];

by TG

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

I confirm this as well. To be on the safe side I checked on Safari and FireFox, and neither display anything. I looked through the source a bit, and couldn’t find any trickery to force it to display the labels.

by Will Larson

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

Could you try setting the tabViewType earlier, like right after you create the tab view itself. Not that this wouldn’t be a bug, just trying to identify where the problem is.

by Francisco Tolmasky

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

Tried your suggestion, but isn’t working for me. Here is my source:

@@@ javascript

-(void)setupTabView: (CPView)contentView { var bounds = [contentView bounds]; var frame = CGRectMake(CGRectGetMinX(bounds)+75, CGRectGetMinY(bounds)+100, CGRectGetWidth(bounds)-150, CGRectGetHeight(bounds)-200); tabView = [[CPTabView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; [tabView setTabViewType:CPTopTabsBezelBorder]; [tabView layoutSubviews]; [tabView setAutoresizingMask: CPViewHeightSizable | CPViewWidthSizable];

webSearchTabItem = [[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"web"]; imageSearchTabItem = [[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"image"]; newsSearchTabItem = [[CPTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"news"];

webView = [[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CPRectMakeZero()]; imageView = [[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CPRectMakeZero()]; newsView = [[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CPRectMakeZero()];

[webSearchTabItem setLabel:@"Web"]; [imageSearchTabItem setLabel:@"Image"]; [newsSearchTabItem setLabel:@"News"];

[webSearchTabItem setView:webView]; [imageSearchTabItem setView:imageView]; [newsSearchTabItem setView:newsView];

[tabView addTabViewItem:webSearchTabItem]; [tabView addTabViewItem:imageSearchTabItem]; [tabView addTabViewItem:newsSearchTabItem];

//[tabView _createBezelBorder]; [contentView addSubview:tabView]; }


by Will Larson

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

Sorry for formatting: http://dpaste.com/77487/ is formatted paste.

by Will Larson

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

I’ve been able to narrow down the issue (and find a work around): if you add the tabView to its parent view before adding the tab items, then it works correctly (creates labels and displays the tabViewItem’s view when the tab is selected).

However, if you add the tabViewItems before adding the tabView to the parentView, then it neither creates the labels nor displays the tabViewItem’s view as appropriate.

by Will Larson

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

Great reduction WIll, I think I should have a fix for this soon.

by Francisco Tolmasky

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

by Francisco Tolmasky

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

The issue here is that we delay creating the tab view borders and items as long as possible, so that we prevent unnecessarily loading images that we may not need.

As a side effect, there’s a view we haven’t created yet, and we’re just sending messages to nil. This is why it’s not working. There’s also a related bug with trying to change a view out from under it later.

Essentially, the way this all works needs to be redesigned to work more like the menu system. Since it isn’t a trivial change, I’m moving it off 0.5.2. I’m also not planning on committing a stop gap measure, since the workaround is noted above. Just add items after adding the tab view to your content view.

by Ross Boucher

tbalthazar commented 15 years ago

TabView add item - labels/tabs not displayed

I’ve been able to reproduce this in 0.7b. Here is the sample code : http://gist.github.com/83994

by Thomas Balthazar