tbar0970 / jethro-pmm

Jethro Pastoral Ministry Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Record unavailability for a particular roster role #746

Open awucweb opened 2 years ago

awucweb commented 2 years ago

Hi all and Happy New Year.

Been given the new Roster Unavailability a run through with our roster person and we came across this issue. We have a number of people who do dual roles like Worship Lead and play music but when they put in an unavailability it is set for that date which is by design.

A great tweak for the above would be to have the ability to link to a group as some members are unavailable say for Worship leading but are happy to play music.

Thanks for the continued work.

tbar0970 commented 2 years ago

So the request here would be to mark unavailability for a particular roster role - yes?

awucweb commented 2 years ago

Thanks Tom @tbar0970 yeah that's it.

Also an alternative to the role link and which might work for a user how is a 'Maybe' rather than a Yes/No as mentioned in the original feature request would be to allow and Person with Admin permission to be able to override that unavailability and roster them.

tim-pearce commented 2 years ago
  1. I believe the system will allow you to roster anyone in the system even if not in the roster group and by extension if marked as not available.
  2. I have some code whereby if someone is marked as absent for a group on a certain date it's the same as being mark unavailable. You are currently able to mark people absent for a future date - logically that means they won't be available!
tbar0970 commented 2 years ago
  1. I believe the system will allow you to roster anyone in the system even if not in the roster group and by extension if marked as not available.

I'm pretty sure unavailability checking is applied even for not-in-group assignees