tbates / umx

Making Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in R quick & powerful
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umxCP correlated a or c or e ease of use #143

Closed tbates closed 3 years ago

tbates commented 3 years ago

umxCP correlatedA = TRUE turns the a, c, and e diag matrices into lower matrices. (misnamed by incident of history)

It would be useful users to be able to just free a, or c, for instance, without having to figure out how to find the lower.tri of labels they need too fix at 0.

Maybe correlatedACE = "ace" or correlatedACE = c("a", "c", "e") as a UI

tbates commented 3 years ago

Useful to create these fixed at zero by default, and let user umxModify the ones they want

tbates commented 3 years ago

added correlatedACE which creates lower matrices, but leaves the lower diagonal fixed at zero