tbbooher / cfa_corporate_visia

Theme for CFA corporate based on visia wp theme
Artistic License 2.0
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Fix Copy for Coaches #6

Open tbbooher opened 10 years ago

tbbooher commented 10 years ago

They all have different text now.

Put this copy in the top:

With over ___ years of combined CrossFit coaching experience between them, our coaches have the experience to make it work! Not only are our coaches all CrossFit Level 1 trainers, but many of them hold certifications in additional specialty CrossFit courses, such as endurance, Olympic lifting, movement & mobility, and more.

tbbooher commented 10 years ago



Curtis has been coaching CrossFit full-time for the past 5 years. He is Level 1 Crossfit and Crossfit Kids certified in addition to having attended multiple other CrossFit certifications. He believes that Crossfit is not exclusive to “athletic” types and that everyone benefits from our workouts, regardless of goals.


CrossFit Level 1 (2007/2010), CrossFit Kettlebell Certified, CrossFit Barbell Certified, CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certified, CrossFit Movement & Mobility Certified, CrossFit Kids Certified, CrossFit Coaches Prep Course, USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach


BA in Health and Physical Education . . . more


Crossfit has taught me efficiency, functional strength and Olympic lifting.


CrossFit L1 certification earlier this year, and am always thrilled when new and veteran athletes make meaningful gains or accomplish new goals.

tbbooher commented 10 years ago

Obviously these bios need to be more fulsome. I am happy to draft these based on what’s on the CFA website if you’d like. Something to consider is to make these bios uniform in how they’re presenting the material – should these be in first person (e.g., Sharon and Torpy) or third person (e.g., Curtis, other than the use of “our”)? Should this be a list of certifications (e.g., Aviv), a description of background and philosophy (e.g., Curtis), or an explanation of why the coach enjoys CrossFit (e.g., Sharon)?

From Brian . . .