tbep-tech / State-of-the-Bay

State of the Bay content including figures and text for website
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review habitat restoration #26

Closed fawda123 closed 2 years ago

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

Now that the draft pages are complete, please review them for any final edits that may be needed, including text, graphics/tables, and layout... this is the final round of edits before it goes "live". Things to consider:

Page to review: https://tbep-tech.github.io/State-of-the-Bay/docs/habitat-restoration

You can make edits to the Rmd file here: https://github.com/tbep-tech/State-of-the-Bay/blob/master/docs/habitat-restoration.Rmd

Or just comment on this issue with things you'd like to see changed.

If you're happy with the existing page, just close this issue.

And don't forget to use the Project board to track progress on this issue: https://github.com/tbep-tech/State-of-the-Bay/projects/3

sscolaro commented 2 years ago

@Gmangrove @fawda123 You are going to hate me when I say this, but can we make the HMPU section where you outline the important targets more visual? Maybe instead of the bullet, we can develop an infographic to represent the different habitats and targets? Maybe we could just make the page more visual by added a before and after pic of the Rock Ponds so folks can see the vastness of the project.

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

@sscolaro I agree that this would a nice addition. Maybe easiest thing to do for now is to add some pics of the Rock Ponds. @Gmangrove or @Tbep-Joe, do we have any good before/after pics for this? An infographic would be nice, but I'm probably not the right one to take the lead on that.

Gmangrove commented 2 years ago

To get to @sscolaro 's thought about the 'vastness', maybe a couple of pics from google earth, ca 2010 and now (attached quick examples) - Caption something along the lines of "The Rock Ponds Restoration Project created or restored 1,043 acres of habitat, including mangroves, salt marshes, and coastal uplands. The Southwest Florida Water Management District led the effort, and multiple other organizations including TBEP were significant contributors. Pictures are pre-restoration (2010, left) and post-restoration (2021, right)."

RockPonds_20100404 RockPonds_20210506 ?

Gmangrove commented 2 years ago

And I'll try to hunt up some really good on the ground before/after pics, maybe the Safety Harbor project

sscolaro commented 2 years ago

@Gmangrove I think just a good habitat restoration picture would be adequate for now. I think it just needs more visuals ;)

Gmangrove commented 2 years ago

Maybe too low-res, but very shortly after planting (with Reddish egret) and then maybe 1-year post planting.

RE_at_Safety_Harbor_gr Safety_Harbor_gr

sscolaro commented 2 years ago

What about a pic from the Robinson restoration site or the iconic Rock Ponds one from Unsplash? the-tampa-bay-estuary-program-oabh9iFf1-U-unsplash the-tampa-bay-estuary-program-CnUGhhVWK4I-unsplash

Tbep-Joe commented 2 years ago

@Gmangrove @fawda123 SafetyHarbor_2017_2018

sscolaro commented 2 years ago

@Tbep-Joe Perfect!!

Gmangrove commented 2 years ago

Bueno @Tbep-Joe !

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

Thanks y'all, check it: https://tbep-tech.github.io/State-of-the-Bay/docs/habitat-restoration

@Gmangrove can you close this issue if it looks good?

Gmangrove commented 2 years ago

I'm gonna close the issue but I need to update the restoration table thru 2021 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zVx18P6lrPuVR6ANMAetBRXwxCGeCN9b/view

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

@Gmangrove just ping me in Slack when the update is ready