tbep-tech / State-of-the-Bay

State of the Bay content including figures and text for website
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review reach index #31

Closed fawda123 closed 2 years ago

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

Now that the draft pages are complete, please review them for any final edits that may be needed, including text, graphics/tables, and layout... this is the final round of edits before it goes "live". Things to consider:

Page to review: https://tbep-tech.github.io/State-of-the-Bay/docs/reach-index.html

You can make edits to the Rmd file here: https://github.com/tbep-tech/State-of-the-Bay/blob/master/docs/reach-index.Rmd

Or just comment on this issue with things you'd like to see changed.

If you're happy with the existing page, just close this issue.

And don't forget to use the Project board to track progress on this issue: https://github.com/tbep-tech/State-of-the-Bay/projects/3

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

@Tbep-Joe I have some ideas for additional graphics to include, so I'll tag team this with you.

sscolaro commented 2 years ago

@fawda123 @Tbep-Joe My $0.02: I think displaying this engagement data as a line graph would be better than the table format so people can see trends over time.

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

@sscolaro @Tbep-Joe I just made some very simple trend graphics for each reach summary. Let me know what you think.

sscolaro commented 2 years ago

@fawda123 I really like this! It might make it easier to tell what each line is portraying if one was a different color and there was a legend associated with it. Not sure if the legend is possible with two stacked graphs. Either way, I think this visualization is much better than the table! @Tbep-Joe

Tbep-Joe commented 2 years ago

This is pretty on spot with what I had in mind. I would agree with @sscolaro about the line coloring. You could just use the blue that is part of our branding. #035172 is the HEX code for that.

I notice that the tarpon tag sales are not included. Do you need more info from me to add that?

sscolaro commented 2 years ago

@Tbep-Joe The Tarpon Tag sales are included on the Grants Awarded Page

Tbep-Joe commented 2 years ago

Ah yes. Thanks, @sscolaro.

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

Awesome, glad you both think this is an improvement. I can definitely work on the colors.

The only other thing I was thinking was maybe a brief bit of text describing what we mean by some of the metrics. For example, "The TBEP tracks the impact of our social media output using various metrics. Number of followers, users, or views of our content is one way we can asses how the community engages in our online platforms. The number of engagements is another metric that we track, which includes "likes", "retweets", or other common interactions in social media."

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

@Tbep-Joe @sscolaro just added some color and legends to the social media plots and some text from my last comment. Please close the issue if all is good! image

sscolaro commented 2 years ago

@fawda123 This is fantastic! Exactly what I was picturing. Thanks! I will let @Tbep-Joe add the index descriptor text that you mentioned, but then I think this is good to close.

fawda123 commented 2 years ago

Cool, thanks, I added the description text already, pretty much verbatim what I had in my earlier comment. Up to @Tbep-Joe if he wants to edit.