tberghuis / FloatingCountdownTimer

MIT License
70 stars 5 forks source link

F-Droid inclusion #2

Open Poussinou opened 2 years ago

Poussinou commented 2 years ago


So now this project has a license, and you said you're ok with the inclusion of this app on F-Droid,

We need you to tag your releases (you can attach the signed apk for each version in the release section, so that people can download your app in the meantime).

Setting up fastlane is also required, as this is the place where F-Droid take the screenshots and stuff...

I opened the RFP on F-Droid side here.

tberghuis commented 1 year ago

note to self, watch https://libre.video/videos/watch/4a68e420-e308-4958-ab5d-6aa0c788f07b https://libre.video/videos/watch/fbe781cf-8e08-443a-b80c-3d7c45539bac

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Eh, my vids – nice! After 6 pm UTC today, also watch this – but don't let it keep you from a listing on f-droid.org :wink:

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

@tberghuis looks like all tags and releases are gone. Have they been removed intentionally? Will they return?

tberghuis commented 1 year ago

Yeah sorry about that. I have created release for latest version https://github.com/tberghuis/FloatingCountdownTimer/releases/download/v1.10.2/app-release.apk One day I will get around to automating this.

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot!

IzzySoft commented 11 months ago

Your latest release unfortunately added proprietary libraries (Google Play Billing and Firebase), which are both show-stoppers for F-Droid. In my repo, I just had to add the NonFreeDep and NonFreeNet anti-features for that, but F-Droid.org won't be able to include your app with those. Maybe revert those changes? As for alternative monetarization options, you can take a look at my snippet here. Not sure if Firebase was added intentionally or was just dragged in as dependency – in the former case, the snippet has some alternative options for that as well.

IzzySoft commented 1 month ago

Thanks for adding Fastlane! It could be used if it had the mandatory en-US locale set, which is needed as fallback for missing ones. Maybe rename en-AU to en-US? Or add an adjusted en-US originating from en-AU?

Btw, a pity those proprietary components are still there, almost a year later. Are there any plans to get rid of them again, @tberghuis? Or to at least provide a foss build flavor and corresponding APK? I've no idea why a countdown timer should need Firebase anyhow, but my guess is it's just dragged in by BillingClient – which is not really useful on FOSS devices (running without Google services) anyway. People who decided to break their Google ties as much as possible will not be happy using that; many of us do not even have Google accounts anymore and thus cannot even use it.