tbfisher / sublimetext-Pandoc

A Sublime Text plugin that uses Pandoc to convert text from one markup format into another. Pandoc can convert documents in markdown, reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, OPML, or Haddock markup to XHTML, HTML5, HTML slide shows using Slidy, reveal.js, Slideous, S5, or DZSlides, Microsoft Word docx, OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT, OpenDocument XML, EPUB version 2 or 3, FictionBook2, DocBook, GNU TexInfo, Groff man pages, Haddock markup, OPML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, LaTeX Beamer slides, PDF via LaTeX, Markdown, reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, MediaWiki markup, Emacs Org-Mode, Textile, or custom writers can be written in lua.
MIT License
137 stars 26 forks source link

Org-mode Support #28

Closed Immortalin closed 4 years ago

Immortalin commented 9 years ago

Sublime Text now supports Org-mode, what about this?

MPvHarmelen commented 4 years ago

This is a feature request for pandoc (which seems to support it), but not this plugin. You can add transformations to your liking in you User/Pandoc.sublime-settings and/or create a pull request to add some.
