tbfleming / jscut

In-browser CAM package
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Safari: save to local file not working (Settings, Gcode) #6

Open cribskip opened 9 years ago

cribskip commented 9 years ago

Just tried on OS X Mavericks (10.9) and Safari 7.0.5 its working until you try to get code or settings. Touching those buttons get you to an URL like this blob:http://jscut.org/24a5e6bc-792c-4ef8-8bac-6f263c100e66 and page not found occurs.

Settings is the same.

May be safari is not yet compliant?

tbfleming commented 9 years ago

Ick. I assumed this was just an iOS issue since iOS hates exposing files. It looks like other projects are struggling with this: https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/issues/12

cribskip commented 9 years ago

Sad to hear that, but Google drive upload works flawlessly so, personally, to me this is not a big of an issue ;)

tbfleming commented 9 years ago

18 #21 replaced Get with FileSaver.js on Save Settings. This is known to not work in Safari.