tbh1 / sublime-notes

A syntax designed to bring syntax highlighting to every day note taking.
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Spell check doesn't work #9

Closed freb closed 8 years ago

freb commented 8 years ago

I've been using this for a few months now and love it. I noticed that on both my Linux and Windows installations, whenever I'm using the Notes syntax, spell check doesn't work. It just comes back with 0 misspelled words.

I've never created a similar package for Sublime so am not sure of the cause. I just wanted to see if you were aware. If you are and don't have a fix, I'll see if I can do some investigation.

enaito commented 8 years ago

Spell check only seems to work in quoted text, but not otherwise. I've played around with it for a while and don't see any way to adjust this.

tbh1 commented 8 years ago

Hi, spell check doesn't currently work outside of strings due to the .notes syntax being considered a source language as opposed to a text language.

From the docs: scopeName Name of the topmost scope for this syntax definition. Either source.<lang> or text.<lang>. Use source for programming languages and text for markup and everything else.

We could switch this to a text based language, but there are some side effects:

Another option is adding an additional syntax: Notes - Text, that is treated as a text language. You'll need to toggle the syntax for proof-reading, but it won't affect code snippets.

screen shot 2016-04-26 at 1 39 20 pm

I'll go ahead with this option, if it's causing problems for people I'll switch to a text language by default.