tbillenstein / jTweetsAnywhere

jTweetsAnywhere is a jQuery Twitter Widget that simplifies the integration of Twitter services into your site
MIT License
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blank streams with no errors? #5

Closed aqlong closed 12 years ago

aqlong commented 12 years ago

Hi, love the plugin!

Here's the page in question: http://refynr.com/ocfs/

Sometimes (from certain networks or IP addresses), the feeds will just completely blank. I can see in Firebug that there are no JS errors, and the rate limit api.twitter.com calls are returning 302 and then 200 OK status codes. I thought twitter could be rate limiting on certain IP addresses, but it doesn't make sense because this page has hardly any traffic, and sometimes gives a blank page when I first hit it from a new network.

So, first, any idea why this is happening?

Second, is there a flag or something I can turn on to debug and deal with any hidden errors that might be occurring?

tbillenstein commented 12 years ago

Thanks, I assume that with 'blank page' you mean empty tweet feeds.

Do you still see the 'loading...' hint? Do you get the 'No more Data' hint?

If you can reproduce this issue, please try finding Twitters response in the network tab of Firebug or Chrome Dev Tools. If you can find the data and it's empty that would be a hint that Twitter is in trouble (which it often is ...) Otherwise we could start any further examination from that point on.

Sorry, but there are no extended debug infos available in the plugin

aqlong commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the response...

Yes, the tweet feeds.

There's no "loading..." hint, and there's no "No more data" hint when it's blank.

When using Chrome 16.0, In the console I get this error: "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL https://api.twitter.com/xd_receiver.html from frame with URL about:blank. Domains, protocols and ports must match."

No HTTP calls even go out for the twitter feeds, only rate limit calls like: https://api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.json?callback=jQuery16208883499398361892_1327521534820

The response from the call above was: jQuery16208883499398361892_1327521534820({"reset_time_in_seconds":1327522325,"reset_time":"Wed Jan 25 20:12:05 +0000 2012","remaining_hits":0,"hourly_limit":150});

It looks like it saying I have zero remaining hits, which is very strange since the app is barely used, and certainly did not use up 150 requests in an hour from this IP/network. I guess I'll see if I can get help from the Twitter forums...

tbillenstein commented 12 years ago

When the remaining_hits equals 0 then the behaviour is ok (maybe a warning message should be displayed).

Twitter counts ALL API request from a certain IP not just the ones from jTweetsAnywhere. If you are using a proxy the proxy's IP is the one that counts!

aqlong commented 12 years ago

Ah, I guess I'll need to look at a different solution (maybe on the Streaming API??), then, because being limited that way won't work well in many situations. Thanks for your help!