tbird20d / grabserial

Grabserial - python-based serial dump and timing program - good for embedded Linux development
GNU General Public License v2.0
195 stars 77 forks source link

Is there an error log to check? (Multiple output files being created) #71

Closed ditchmagnet closed 1 year ago

ditchmagnet commented 1 year ago

I had this working on a different system just fine. I setup a new system and while running the same script, my output file folder keeps getting too many files created, seemingly at random. Is there a place to check why grabserial is starting new output files before the timer has finished?

Also, can I run a second instance of grabserial to monitor an additional serial cable/port?

Edit/Update: Please disregard, my issue was in my script and I had to tweak it (strange it wasn't a problem on my other install with the same OS). Also running two instances no problem. All good here. Sorry to waste your time.

ditchmagnet commented 1 year ago

Issue resolved. No problem.

tbird20d commented 1 year ago

No problem. Glad it's working for you.