tbird20d / grabserial

Grabserial - python-based serial dump and timing program - good for embedded Linux development
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Date in filepath no longer works #74

Open pml-jpe opened 1 year ago

pml-jpe commented 1 year ago

I wanted to use subdirectories of year, month and day for output files so I used following option in grabserial (on Windows): -o "C:\data\%%Y\%%m\%%d\%%FT%%H00.txt"

I forked the repo and added code to make sure output directories would automatically be created if they didn't exist (otherwise grabserial quits with error, file not found).

I have just pulled latest version and I can see there has been substantial changes to the output filenaming. Now the output directories are created with literal strings %Y, %m, %d instead of actual year, month and date. I have had a look in the code around lines 525-536 but I can't quite understand where these are getting converted to strings. If you can point me to the correct code it would be a great help.


pml-jpe commented 1 year ago

Update: I think I have narrowed it down to the following lines 552-553:

out_filename = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(out_pattern) out_filepath = os.path.join(out_dirname, out_filename)

So only the filename is having strftime applied, but the path does not. I will play around and see what I can do.

pml-jpe commented 1 year ago

Final update: I have now fixed this with the following commit in my fork: https://github.com/pml-jpe/grabserial/commit/0d7296a34a26c3cc8be609c37848023e891f2f75


tbird20d commented 1 year ago

Using time and date elements in the path to the output file was not something I anticipated. I'll think about how to support this. See my comment on your patch