tboothman / imdbphp

PHP library for retrieving film and tv information from IMDb
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Fix PHP 5.6 support #284

Closed paxter closed 1 year ago

paxter commented 1 year ago

Latest update breaks PHP >= 5.6 support.

jreklund commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I haven't written PHP 5.6 code in years. Are you still using it?

paxter commented 1 year ago

Yep. PHP 5.6 is still used in many production environments.

jreklund commented 1 year ago

You really need to switch ASAP, that version had an end of life over three years ago. There are currently 0,5% using that version according to packagist. imdbphp are compatible with PHP 8.0.

tboothman commented 1 year ago

It does say in the readme we support 5.6 to be fair. I used to test it on travis then they dropped support for it .. then travis dropped support for free builds so only really testing 7.4 at the moment with a github action.

paxter commented 1 year ago

You really need to switch ASAP, that version had an end of life over three years ago. There are currently 0,5% using that version according to packagist. imdbphp are compatible with PHP 8.0.

As I said. It's still used in many production environments. There are also some unix/linux derivates who are still provide updates for php 5.6 packages. So please stop any religious topic spamming and don't tell me what I have to use. Thanks.

Readme states php 5.6 is still supported, then this software should be work with that version. Or just update your readme.

jreklund commented 1 year ago

tboothman: It does say in the readme we support 5.6 to be fair.

paxter: Readme states php 5.6 is still supported, then this software should be work with that version.

I'm not question the legitimacy of this PR, it's up to specification of the project.

So please stop any religious topic spamming and don't tell me what I have to use.

I'm not trying to be an asshole about it, just said it ones... you are free to use enterprise Linux if you like. Haven't come across any supported version of Linux that are still using PHP 5.6 as of late, but it appears Red Hat 7 are one, if you use their extended support channel. (stopped using Red Hat / CentOS around 2015 due to software requirements changes e.g. PHP)

PHP are moving fast and getting a lot new features that makes it more of a type safe language. If you are into that sort of things. It's quite a leap upgrading an old program if you want to utilize all the features it offerts. You can still create quick and dirty applications that can run on multiple versions.

XaXo81 commented 1 year ago

Yep. PHP 5.6 is still used in many production environments.

I Agree with that!