tboothman / imdbphp

PHP library for retrieving film and tv information from IMDb
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Fix some methods using the graphql endpoint #293

Closed tboothman closed 1 year ago

tboothman commented 1 year ago

Replaced broken methods with graphql requests.

Title::plot() returns plain text utf-8 strings rather than html. It no longer contains the author at the end (You can get the author from Title::plot_split()) Title::plot_split() also has plain text utf-8 strings rather than html in its plot field Title::releaseInfo() return has changed. The country strings have changed slightly, the dates are numbers rather than stringy numbers and month has been removed. Was ['country' => 'USA', 'day' => '9', 'month' => 'June', 'mon' => '06', 'year' => '1993' ] now [ 'country' => 'United States', 'day' => 9, 'mon' => 6, 'year' => 1993, 'attributes' => [ 'Washington, D.C.', 'premiere' ] ] Title::alsoknow() no longer returns a year or lang field (they were previously always an empty string). It no longer returns a comment of '$language title' for each aka. Title::alsoknow() now returns a countryCode, language and languageCode for each AKA. Title::runtimes() now returns a country and countryCode Title::videosites() now returns a language, languageCode but not a type. Was['url' => 'x', 'site' => FILM.TV, 'desc' => trailer, 'language' => German, 'languageCode' => de] now ['url'=>'x', 'site' => 'FILM.TV', 'desc' => 'trailer', 'type' => '']