tboothman / imdbphp

PHP library for retrieving film and tv information from IMDb
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Fix fetching genres #327

Open jetrosuni opened 5 months ago

jetrosuni commented 5 months ago

After the IMDb UI renewal the genre fetching only gets the first three genres listed in the main view and skips the rest.

Getting the genres from either /reference view or using the GraphQL API fixes the issue.

mosource21 commented 4 months ago

Tried applying this patch but I am getting the following error has anyone got any ideas what I have done wrong? I am using the latest 8.2.0 release.


Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Could not find URL for page Reference in /test/libs/imdbphp/src/Imdb/Title.php:202
Stack trace:
#0 /test/libs/imdbphp/src/Imdb/Title.php(181): Imdb\Title->getUrlSuffix()
#1 /test/libs/imdbphp/src/Imdb/MdbBase.php(188): Imdb\Title->buildUrl()
#2 /test/libs/imdbphp/src/Imdb/Title.php(3186): Imdb\MdbBase->getPage()
#3 /test/libs/imdbphp/src/Imdb/Title.php(720): Imdb\Title->getPage()
#4 /test/test.php(577): Imdb\Title->genres()
#5 /test/test.php(119): testimdb()
#6 {main}
  thrown in /test/libs/imdbphp/src/Imdb/Title.php on line 202
jetrosuni commented 4 months ago

Tried applying this patch but I am getting the following error has anyone got any ideas what I have done wrong? I am using the latest 8.2.0 release.

Might be worth checking if you missed the change around line 125 that adds "Reference" => "/reference" to the $pageUrls array.

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

Or fix it the right way

    #--------------------------------------------------------------[ Genre(s) ]---
    /** Get all genres the movie is registered for
     * @return array genres (array[0..n] of strings)
     * @see IMDB page / (TitlePage)
    public function genre()
        if (empty($this->moviegenres)) {
            $query = <<<EOF
query Genres(\$id: ID!) {
  title(id: \$id) {
    titleGenres {
      genres {
        genre {

            $data = $this->graphql->query($query, "Genres", ["id" => "tt$this->imdbID"]);
            foreach ($data->title->titleGenres->genres as $edge) {
                $this->moviegenres[] = $edge->genre->text;
        return $this->moviegenres;

This might not exactly the same as used in this library but you get the idea

mosource21 commented 4 months ago

Might be worth checking if you missed the change around line 125 that adds "Reference" => "/reference" to the $pageUrls array.

Thanks for the tactful reply I do not think I deserve it 😀 I really must learn how to apply patches better rather than doing them manually then I do not have to rely on me seeing the full patch!

mosource21 commented 4 months ago

Or fix it the right way

--------------------------------------------------------------[ Genre(s) ]---

/** Get all genres the movie is registered for
 * @return array genres (array[0..n] of strings)
 * @see IMDB page / (TitlePage)
public function genre()

This might not exactly the same as used in this library but you get the idea

Thanks as this is similar to the all keywords fix in https://github.com/tboothman/imdbphp/pull/310 fix I have decided to go with this one. I have used public function genres (plural) it works for me but as it is clear I do not have a clue what I am doing do the same at own risk :grinning:

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

Or fix it the right way

--------------------------------------------------------------[ Genre(s) ]---

/** Get all genres the movie is registered for

  • @return array genres (array[0..n] of strings)
  • @see IMDB page / (TitlePage) */ public function genre() This might not exactly the same as used in this library but you get the idea

Thanks as this is similar to the all keywords fix in #310 fix I have decided to go with this one. I have used public function genres (plural) it works for me but as it is clear I do not have a clue what I am doing do the same at own risk 😀

Nope i use my own version with all GraphQL methods :) But the only thing i can't get is why everybody keeps flogging a dead horse with scraper methods while the solution is there and (as a courtesy to the users here) is presented here? If you can make a PR certainly you are capable enough to use this i presume.

The difference between my version and this one is literally 1 character: method name genre versus genres

I surely give a big thanks to @tboothman for his groundwork about GraphQL

mosource21 commented 4 months ago

Thanks as this is similar to the all keywords fix in #310 fix I have decided to go with this one. I have used public function genres (plural) it works for me but as it is clear I do not have a clue what I am doing do the same at own risk 😀

Nope i use my own version with all GraphQL methods :) But the only thing i can't get is why everybody keeps flogging a dead horse with scraper methods while the solution is there and (as a courtesy to the users here) is presented here? If you can make a PR certainly you are capable enough to use this i presume. The difference between my version and this one is literally 1 character: method name genre versus genres I surely give a big thanks to @tboothman for his groundwork about GraphQL

Thanks @duck7000 my comment was mainly aimed at anyone using the patch on the @tboothman version. Sorry for the confusion. I replaced genres not genre in the @tboothman version with your suggested code.

Yes my Git experience level isn't at creating a PR yet 😢

I like the idea of the elegance of the GraphQL version. I am going to give it a try at some point soon.

I too pass on thanks to @tboothman for creating imdbphp 👍

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

Thanks as this is similar to the all keywords fix in #310 fix I have decided to go with this one. I have used public function genres (plural) it works for me but as it is clear I do not have a clue what I am doing do the same at own risk 😀

Nope i use my own version with all GraphQL methods :) But the only thing i can't get is why everybody keeps flogging a dead horse with scraper methods while the solution is there and (as a courtesy to the users here) is presented here? If you can make a PR certainly you are capable enough to use this i presume. The difference between my version and this one is literally 1 character: method name genre versus genres I surely give a big thanks to @tboothman for his groundwork about GraphQL

Thanks @duck7000 my comment was mainly aimed at anyone using the patch on the @tboothman version. Sorry for the confusion. I replaced genres not genre in the @tboothman version with your suggested code.

Yes my Git experience level isn't at creating a PR yet 😢

I like the idea of the elegance of the GraphQL version. I am going to give it a try at some point soon.

I too pass on thanks to @tboothman for creating imdbphp 👍

Sorry it was intended for the person who started this PR but i'm glad you use my work!

jetrosuni commented 4 months ago

Using GraphQL instead of scraping is the way to go, I agree. I've changed the proposed fix here to use GraphQL (thanks @duck7000 for the ready-made query).

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

Using GraphQL instead of scraping is the way to go, I agree. I've changed the proposed fix here to use GraphQL (thanks @duck7000 for the ready-made query).

your welcome!

And if you are interested in other methods take a look at my repo (Permission granted to use my work) https://github.com/duck7000/imdbphp6 All info is in the wiki

All the hard parts are already done, adjust it to this library is all.

Lets hope that @tboothman will merge your PR