tboothman / imdbphp

PHP library for retrieving film and tv information from IMDb
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Help : Failed to connect to .... http://akas.imdb #330

Open foxbille opened 3 months ago

foxbille commented 3 months ago

It's a question, how to manage this error, what have i done wrong, forgot to set, etc... ?

Imdb\Exception\Http Failed to connect to server when requesting url [http://akas.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=Lady+Bird] in VENDORPATH/imdbphp/imdbphp/src/Imdb/Pages.php : 52


$config = new \Imdb\Config();
$config->language = 'fr-FR,fr,en';
$search = new \Imdb\TitleSearch($config, null,);
$firstResultTitle = $search->search($titre)[0];

Thanks for help Eric

jreklund commented 3 months ago

@foxbille Either you are using a really old version or you have changed more settings than that. akas where removed in 4.0.0. Search all files for imdbsite, maybe you have an .ini file somewhere.

foxbille commented 3 months ago

I will check all parameters again. But i do : composer require imdbphp/imdbphp over a codeigniter4 fresh install in an empty directory then i put my code, mainly in CI4 App directory. And that's all i do. composer require tboothman/imdbphp does not work. Why? i don't even know!

foxbille commented 3 months ago

Ok, i got it... i guess Codeigniter requires psr/log 3.0 Imdbphp requires psr/log 1.0 When i do composer require imdbphp/imdbphp it creates composer.json with imdbphp 3.3 (because of codeigniter requirement on psr/log) If i overwrite imdb to 8.2 it downgrades ci4 version to 4.4.8 (because of psr/log version, i guess) How can i manage to get a ci4 4.5.1 version and a imdbphp 8.2 version working together ? Wait for developpers of those projects?

jreklund commented 3 months ago

Users of imdbphp have requested that this project support < PHP 8, so afaik the only thing you can do is forking the project and upgrade it to psr/log 3.0.

You can also take another route and use TMDB instead.

foxbille commented 3 months ago

Thank you! But i don't even know how to do that (upgrade psr/log to 3.0). Have tried TMDB but can't find how to retrieve cast of one movie...