tbpmig / mig-website

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2021 Website Critical Errors and General Functionality Issues #280

Open zehua99 opened 2 years ago

zehua99 commented 2 years ago

This summary is based on the document compiled by Atishay (@atish3, Service Coordinator), Ranadeep (Membership, W22 President), Kate (President), and many other Fall 2021 officers.


This document was written to compile a list of known flaws, including technical bugs, outdated or inaccurate content, and interface issues, of the TBP website. Many of these issues have been documented elsewhere and have been known for several years now, but have gone unaddressed to date. While this is not an exhaustive list, the issues here directly impede the ability of the officer corps to fulfill their roles and reflect poorly on the chapter as a whole.

Core Philosophy: User Experience





While the bugs we have listed above are numerous and in urgent need of fixing, we would like to clarify that the responsibility for this does not fall on one person alone. It would be unreasonable to expect anyone, regardless of previous experience or skill, to maintain the website and address all of these issues in a timely manner, especially considering we all have responsibilities outside of TBP. This isn’t a call for the website maintainers to fix this all themselves, but rather for them to expand access to the website, as agreed upon earlier in the semester, to those willing and able to help maintain and improve the website.