tbsdtv / linux_media

TBS linux open source drivers
174 stars 80 forks source link

Error 404 when running ./build #101

Open n0p opened 6 years ago

n0p commented 6 years ago
Checking if the needed tools for Debian GNU/Linux testing (buster) are available
Needed package dependencies are met.

* This script will download the latest tarball and build it*
* Assuming that your kernel is compatible with the latest  *
* drivers. If not, you'll need to add some extra backports,*
* ./backports/<kernel> directory.                          *
* It will also update this tree to be sure that all compat *
* bits are there, to avoid compilation failures            *
* All drivers and build system are under GPLv2 License     *
* Firmware files are under the license terms found at:     *
* http://www.tbsdtv.com/download/document/linux/           *
* Please abort in the next 5 secs if you don't agree with  *
* the license                                              *

Not aborted. It means that the licence was agreed. Proceeding...

Updating the building system
Desde https://github.com/tbsdtv/linux_media
 * branch                      master     -> FETCH_HEAD
fatal: rehusando fusionar historias no relacionadas
make: se entra en el directorio '/home/n0p/src/tbs_media_build/linux'
wget http://www.tbsdtv.com/download/document/linux/linux-media-LATEST.tar.bz2.md5 -O linux-media.tar.bz2.md5.tmp
--2018-01-22 13:35:18--  http://www.tbsdtv.com/download/document/linux/linux-media-LATEST.tar.bz2.md5
Resolviendo www.tbsdtv.com (www.tbsdtv.com)...
Conectando con www.tbsdtv.com (www.tbsdtv.com)[]:80... conectado.
Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 301 Moved Permanently
Localización: https://www.tbsdtv.com/download/document/linux/linux-media-LATEST.tar.bz2.md5 [siguiendo]
--2018-01-22 13:35:18--  https://www.tbsdtv.com/download/document/linux/linux-media-LATEST.tar.bz2.md5
Conectando con www.tbsdtv.com (www.tbsdtv.com)[]:443... conectado.
Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 404 Not Found
2018-01-22 13:35:19 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Makefile:175: fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo 'download'
make: *** [download] Error 8
make: se sale del directorio '/home/n0p/src/tbs_media_build/linux'
Download failed at ./build line 526