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TBS 6909x lot of CC #179

Open joring opened 4 years ago

joring commented 4 years ago

I have 2x6908 and 1x6909x on same server, 6909x get lot of CC errors on multistream channles on 5W, same frequency working without problem with 6908. Driver is latest, convertor is QUAD, mode=0.

Oct 31 18:07:35[Rete4 HD i/1] Bitrate:6086Kbit/s CC:3 Oct 31 18:07:35[Canale5 HD i/1] Bitrate:5858Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:07:35[Italia1 HD i/1] Bitrate:5607Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:07:35[20 Mediaset HD i/1] Bitrate:5024Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:07:41[Rete4 HD i/1] Bitrate:6446Kbit/s CC:3 Oct 31 18:07:41[Canale5 HD i/1] Bitrate:6318Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:07:41[Italia1 HD i/1] Bitrate:5313Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:07:41[20 Mediaset HD i/1] Bitrate:4494Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:07:52[Rete4 HD i/1] Bitrate:7561Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:07:52[Canale5 HD i/1] Bitrate:5402Kbit/s CC:3 Oct 31 18:07:52[Italia1 HD i/1] Bitrate:3931Kbit/s CC:1 Oct 31 18:07:52[20 Mediaset HD i/1] Bitrate:5724Kbit/s CC:1 Oct 31 18:08:27[Rete4 HD i/1] Bitrate:7588Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:08:27[Canale5 HD i/1] Bitrate:5511Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:08:27[Italia1 HD i/1] Bitrate:4646Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:08:27[20 Mediaset HD i/1] Bitrate:4972Kbit/s CC:1 Oct 31 18:08:29[Rete4 HD i/1] Bitrate:6443Kbit/s CC:1 Oct 31 18:08:29[Canale5 HD i/1] Bitrate:3969Kbit/s CC:1 Oct 31 18:08:29[Italia1 HD i/1] Bitrate:7201Kbit/s CC:1 Oct 31 18:08:29[20 Mediaset HD i/1] Bitrate:4976Kbit/s CC:1 Oct 31 18:09:04[Rete4 HD i/1] Bitrate:4758Kbit/s CC:2 Oct 31 18:09:04[Canale5 HD i/1] Bitrate:6350Kbit/s CC:3 Oct 31 18:09:04[Italia1 HD i/1] Bitrate:7654Kbit/s CC:3 Oct 31 18:09:04[20 Mediaset HD i/1] Bitrate:3842Kbit/s CC:1

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Just by clicking on the link you provided

You are a dumb ass, link was one time to open. none of pastebins on that service can live more than 1 day. Some other person will write the same after 24h. https://paste.centos.org/view/498219c5

I've heard that you did not even had the decency to provide an ssh access to the development team to gather properly the issues logs.

Hell yeah? I said to write me in email an ssh request, they answering for fucking WEEKS long.

Man i have sold more than 1500 x 6909X and so far only 8 cards RMA back to me. If something not working .... RMA back... plain and simple... it is the first rule of the consumer

This is the way TBS is shoveling money, selling shit, knowing that near 1% will return. Know why? Because vast majority of customers are from post-USSR territories, those are DON'T ALLOW TO MAIL-OUT (EXPORT) ANY RADIO/TV ELECTRONICS under the law. I've tried to return, postal office refused to send it, explaining it that way, it won't go any further than customs. Only import mail is allowed. You say I'm not professional, but look at yourself, you just a sales person, knowing no shit about. I've got replacements on top of mine 6909x without returning old ones, however, only one card of some unreleased prototype is working they sent me, official version 2 came months later is exactly the same junk as version 1. Explained this 10 times earlier, stop being ignorant ass. Compare my photo with your 6909X you have in your possession, do you have any 6909X looking like the one on the right on the picture? NO, you don't. So don't you tell me I didn't try all of options.

TBS6909 gone ... EOL plain and simple ... Live with this ....

Is this the point I've expressed? The point is, that 6909 works with the same dish and configuration of the PC, but 6909X V1/2 is not. This is means, that problem is NOT in my PC or cables or dish, but in 6909X tuner itself. Do you understand what I'm saying or you just as stupid as you sound?

ovidiu31 commented 3 years ago

@Davin622 Finally now there is a log with proper dmesg output and with everything the tech need to solve. https://paste.centos.org/view/498219c5

@Neolo your a dumb not me ... the link was just posted empty because you we're way to pissed off to reply me in a harsh mode instead of providing the proper log (don't try bullshit me dude)

and your are very wrong regarding your sentence image

Also FYI i have every single model of TBS card , so stop talking bullshit I even have tbs model cards that never were to public/consumer released or they were released in very limited edition just for high professionals.

For me and for many others it is crystal clear you are just a troll bully tech wannabe which is bitching constantly around for attention , a sub mediocre dude who thinks he is a big mouth smart ass unable to provide a proper DMESG log (rofl)
(btw i have published your Git many edited and cut aberrations to majority of the DVB related forums and to Telegram/Skype/Whatsapp/Linkedin Groups just for people to know what a "golden raspberry" are you.)

@crazycat69 i am sorry for all this mess ... but i had to do it ... this was the only way to extract from him the DMESG log. i don't even want to think what's going to happen if will need from him an SSH or remote connection... :))))

Delitants commented 3 years ago

And? I'm tired of your water pouring around for half year. You have no answers with or without dmesg or ssh, because you simply not reading emails, but only reacting to a public shaming. You can have ssh any moment, just had to properly ask in private email, not here, where a bunch of people responding I can't keep track of who is needed it.

btw i have published your Git many edited and cut aberrations to majority of the DVB related forums and to Telegram/Skype/Whatsapp/Linkedin Groups just for people to know what a "golden raspberry" are you

Is that suppose to scare me? What are you trying to achieve with that? I can change account any moment. I wonder what do they even pay you for, such a dumb:

What an idiotic behavior. I'd fire you right away so you can go and assemble some custom crap to sell on aliexpress.

ovidiu31 commented 3 years ago

What more proofs are needed ?

And? I'm tired of your water pouring around for half year. You have no answers with or without dmesg or ssh, because you simply not reading emails, but only reacting to a public shaming.>

Dude you're the public shame , everyone is laughing their ass off on how pathetic you acting

Is that suppose to scare me? What are you trying to achieve with that? I can change account any moment. I wonder what do they even pay you for, such a dumb.

Already achieved... exposing you as troll bully tech wannabe

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Dude you're the public shame , everyone is laughing their ass off on how pathetic you acting

Who? You and another drunken developer, barely reading between the lines?

This topic about 6909x opened not by me (note: Oct 31, 2019; also note: it's still open an issue), google shows another 1000 pages of why not buy this model. I confirm and fully agree with topic starter, card is spitting CC errors permanently in TVH and locking/delocking every 5 seconds in Astra, some channels coming up as "Unknown" when scanning.

Get over it already, admit this product is a fail, take it down from sales and forget as a bad dream, your defense is pity.

ovidiu31 commented 3 years ago

This topic about 6909x opened not by me, google shows another 1000 pages of why not buy this model. Get over it already, your defense is pity.

i am not defending anything , it is obvious that your received product might have issues or might be improper , it is obvious you are not the only one customer with product problems . also i had different product malfunctioning issues ... Solved simply with RMA... ( if you didn't know you can RMA to Germany if you buy from Germany , you can RMA to Romania if your purchased from China ... so yes there is a RMA active service)

troublesome is the rude language and method you are using to express your frustration regarding product problems ... destructive ... toxic ... nothing positive ... nothing helpful ... nothing constructive . I had to argue with you whole day for a damn 10 seconds job to getting a constructive log for TBS engineers.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

it is obvious that your received product might have issues or might be improper

How? I have literally 3 cards of 6909x are non-functional, the 4th one is working and it's an unreleased a prototype. Does this tell anything to you?

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Solved simply with RMA... ( if you didn't know you can RMA to Germany if you buy from Germany , you can RMA to Romania if your purchased from China ... so yes there is a RMA active service)

Oh my... I just said, and not just, but several times in emails too, that destination country it was received at is not allowing to mail abroad anything from TV or radio equipment, restricted by law and I can give you to read that law. Moreover, what a point to RMA when I got 2 cards on top of mines for free and one of them is a proto? I should ask to send me a second prototype? Is this what you mean? I don't understand why that proto did not become a release at the first place, explain. Because it has more resistors and capacitors soldered on it and will be more expensive for mass productions, versus the initial board, which cut in half of components? Is this right?

ovidiu31 commented 3 years ago

There are no 6909/6909x prototypes. what you are calling prototype is 6909X V2 and it is in mass production by 5 months

Delitants commented 3 years ago

There are no 6909/6909x prototypes. what you are calling prototype is 6909X V2 and it is in mass production by 5 months

What? You sales person said it's a prototype. I've got it first and it's works in Astra just fine.


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Find 10 differences. If proto went in production, then why the heck on Earth you sent me second one like that? They both detected as stid135 chips. Do you still want that ssh? Email.

ovidiu31 commented 3 years ago

i repeating myself ... there is only 6909x and 6909x V2. 6909x is EOL (maybe couple of pieces left at distributors) 6909x V2 is in mass production and mass sales.

First version of 6909X had some issues indeed , nobody denied that, those issues are shown and appear in certain conditions of reception and signals and it shown in DMESG as below i2c i2c-1: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error Even i raised such issue regarding the 6909x v1 4 months ago.

6909x V2 (which you are wrongly naming it prototype because is in mass production and sales since 4 or 5 months ago ) doesn't have this problems. (even you saying that)

So solving this problem is plain and simple RMA the issue trouble making cards, your country law might say you cannot RMA to China directly but you can RMA to Romania for example which is an EU country , Once you RMA the faulty V1 card/s then China office can ship you back to you V2 ("prototypes" as you call them)

and that's it problem solved

Delitants commented 3 years ago

God Jesus, I call it prototype is because Sally called it like that upon sending. Card came with no logo or serial number attached. Okay? fe_stid135_get_signal_quality is still appearing on all cards I have, including the both replacements.

Freshly pulled from production server with that prototype I called:

[265288.403441] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [279820.842110] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [280619.114865] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [281530.747382] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error

Here we have now...

So solving this problem is plain and simple RMA the issue trouble making cards, your country law might say you cannot RMA to China directly but you can RMA to Romania for example which is an EU country ,

NO! It's not allowed to mail-out ANYWHERE. I'm stuck with 2x6909X V1 - went into a garbage, 1x6909X working unbranded prototype and 1x6909X of whatever it is send me in a second time, looking like same V1, also goes in garbage.

So at the end I've ended up spending near $1500 for both cards and a new PC , because you all blamed my X99 chipset. Now having that PC and only 1 card useable out of 4 with errors of "fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error". GREAT

ovidiu31 commented 3 years ago

i've just checked the pastebin log you sent ...

image zero ... mean not even one i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error

If may i ask which country are you living? Very strange country ... if you have custom border invoice entrance and forbidding RMA damaged product (with official invoice and custom taxes paid) for technical issues. Brazil? Give a link to this interesting law 5-6 months ago probably was prototype , now is TBS6909X V2

Delitants commented 3 years ago

i've just checked the pastebin log you sent ... zero ... mean not even one i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error


Gosh, you make me sweat. It's like to tell something to a kid, indeed.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

5-6 months ago probably was prototype , now is TBS6909X V2

Awesome! Because this is how you work! You delaying responses for months and months, missing and ignoring emails. And finally when I reached someone out, they sent me the same old v1 card second time, which was picked up a fews weeks ago from now. Really? Perhaps your management needs to get involved and fix some productivity issues here.

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Delitants commented 3 years ago

zero ... mean not even one i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error

Watch me now: https://paste.centos.org/view/7665460b and this is your prototype which went into production. You fixed nothing, my dear, but telling a fairytales. It works tho, sloppy but better than the other card came right after. Big fat shame on you all!

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

fe_stid135_get_signal_quality is still appearing on all cards I have, including the both replacements. Freshly pulled from production server with that prototype I called: [265288.403441] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [279820.842110] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [280619.114865] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [281530.747382] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error

Please update driver. This warning was removed and support for PCB 2.0 was added (different pci id and VGLNA added on RF inputs).

P.S. Your V2 prototype similar to V1.x, but same pci id and some fixes in power circuit. Released V2 have different pci id and require VGLNA init in driver (with old driver you just not have signal).

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Very strange country ... if you have custom border invoice entrance and forbidding RMA damaged product (with official invoice and custom taxes paid) for technical issues.

That is Ukraine. I don't have an English version of the restriction to provide, but I've tried to return Inverto switch to Germany - refused due to prohibited export. And I've tried to return an Apple Magic mouse to an ebay seller in EU - refused to prohibited export. With TBS tuners not even trying, will be the same as with Inverto.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

fe_stid135_get_signal_quality is still appearing on all cards I have, including the both replacements. Freshly pulled from production server with that prototype I called: [265288.403441] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [279820.842110] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [280619.114865] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [281530.747382] i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error

Please update driver. This warning was removed and support for PCB 2.0 was added (different pci id and VGLNA added on RF inputs).

Ok I will update driver on that host. But the problematic card we are discussing here is onto the recent driver already, I can't lock any transponder longer than 5-10 seconds.

P.S. Your V2 prototype similar to V1.x, but same pci id and some fixes in power circuit. Released V2 have different pci id and require VGLNA init in driver (with old driver you just not have signal).

No, please look at the pictures again, you don't pay attention to what I wrote. The prototype is otherwise NOT similar, has ID of 0009 and detects as stid135, card scheme looks more complex on the back, having more components. This card does work and you just told me to update drivers for it.

The other card they sent me few months later is indeed has ID 00010, looks similar as V1 and has same issues like V1. Driver is as fresh as you have it here for 00010.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

What do you want me to do with bios? Huh? Just yet another empty blame.

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Delitants commented 3 years ago

This is just ridiculous... No words...

Sep 06 14:35:50[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1540Kbit/s CC:374 Sep 06 14:35:51[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1528Kbit/s CC:368 Sep 06 14:35:52[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1556Kbit/s CC:380 Sep 06 14:35:53[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1531Kbit/s CC:379 Sep 06 14:35:54[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1519Kbit/s CC:372 Sep 06 14:35:55[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1527Kbit/s CC:377 Sep 06 14:35:56[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1551Kbit/s CC:386 Sep 06 14:35:57[dvb_input 0:0] dvr cc error Sep 06 14:35:57[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1534Kbit/s CC:366 Sep 06 14:35:58[dvb a00f984] restart adapter Sep 06 14:35:58[dvb_input 0:0] start adapter Sep 06 14:35:58[dvb_input 0:0] frontend: TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X) Sep 06 14:35:58[dvb_input 0:0] diseqc setup cmd: v t W5 V W15 [70 8E D1 00] W50 v Sep 06 14:36:00[dvb_input 0:0] fe has lock. status:SCVYL signal:70% (-30.35dBm) snr:49% (9.80dB) ber:0 unc:0 Sep 06 14:36:00[Wness TV] Active input #1 Sep 06 14:36:01[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1498Kbit/s CC:371 Sep 06 14:36:02[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1538Kbit/s CC:370 Sep 06 14:36:03[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:746Kbit/s CC:180 Sep 06 14:36:04[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:2273Kbit/s CC:568 Sep 06 14:36:05[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1488Kbit/s CC:380 Sep 06 14:36:06[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1499Kbit/s CC:370 Sep 06 14:36:07[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:801Kbit/s CC:194 Sep 06 14:36:08[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:2246Kbit/s CC:558 Sep 06 14:36:09[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1540Kbit/s CC:374 Sep 06 14:36:10[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1472Kbit/s CC:374 Sep 06 14:36:11[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:831Kbit/s CC:200 Sep 06 14:36:12[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:2255Kbit/s CC:552 Sep 06 14:36:13[Wness TV i/1] Bitrate:1513Kbit/s CC:378

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Delitants commented 3 years ago

Whatever you gonna do... one or another transponder, one or another satellite, these or other Unicable settings... TVH or Astra. Old 6909 works when I literally plug it on 6909X's place. I guess it is defective, but I'm not looking to fight with postal office to send it back, they said it will be a risk of losing shipping charges if customs turn it back. Screw it...

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And this is showed up out of nowhere. No don't you tell me I entered transponder settings wrong, save your time:

[ 1024.671002] fe_stid135_set_maxllr_rate rate 180 [ 1060.761755] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: adapter 15 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1061.265090] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: adapter 14 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1061.768689] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: adapter 13 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1062.272673] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: adapter 12 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1062.776466] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: adapter 11 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1063.280028] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: adapter 10 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1063.783442] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: adapter 9 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1064.287416] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: adapter 8 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1064.538939] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: adapter 7 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1065.042935] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: adapter 6 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1065.546624] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: adapter 5 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1066.054283] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: adapter 4 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1066.557760] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: adapter 3 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1067.061682] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: adapter 2 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1067.565374] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: adapter 1 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1068.069080] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: adapter 0 frontend 0 frequency 0 out of range (950000..2150000) [ 1129.850173] fe_stid135_set_maxllr_rate rate 180 [ 1339.991966] fe_stid135_set_maxllr_rate rate 180 [ 1372.469439] fe_stid135_set_maxllr_rate rate 180

ovidiu31 commented 3 years ago

Now why would you provide an log from a working and functional card ? when the tech needs and wants logs from cards with issues!!!

i've just checked the pastebin log you sent ... zero ... mean not even one i2c i2c-0: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error


Gosh, you make me sweat. It's like to tell something to a kid, indeed.

Also did you bother checking and setting up manually the settings pointed with red in the below pictures? image

For RMA you can use https://novaposhta.ua/?fbclid=iwar3rli3rpvvup-2jq1pb1p_hgsnra_djk7yeugvxwxo6wzyvsf00rqe3rm8 which can forward to Romania. If you really have good will and want to properly honor the RMA process i can provide you delivery address from an Ukraine forwarder which is dealing with electronics RMA process and paper work in Ukraine

Delitants commented 3 years ago

I've provided everything you asked already. Yes I've bothered tho change those bios settings already.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Updated the driver from github, same errors on card 6909X ID 0009 (the only card I have working out of all X models). Signal drops, flapping randomly.

dmesg | grep fe_stid135_get_signal_quality [22499.191651] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22518.623015] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22599.038062] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22618.595089] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22620.520655] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22681.739236] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22724.370738] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [23104.960898] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [23156.317615] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [29684.307760] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [31317.129450] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [31987.090265] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

you still have old drivers

Delitants commented 3 years ago

No I don’t, reinstalled OS and used your github. Same error.

git remote update

Already up to date.

On Sep 7, 2020, at 7:41 AM, CrazyCat notifications@github.com wrote:

 you still have old drivers

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crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

You must use tbsdtv/media_build

and need git pull after git remote update

Delitants commented 3 years ago

You must use tbsdtv/media_build

this is exactly what I use. Fresh install or via update, errors are there and never went away.

git remote update Fetching origin git pull Already up to date.

dmesg | grep fe_stid135_get_signal_quality [22499.191651] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22518.623015] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22599.038062] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22618.595089] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22620.520655] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error [22681.739236] i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error

Sep 07 09:59:37[dvb_input 0:0] dvr cc error Sep 07 09:59:45[dvb_input 6:0] fe has no lock. status:S Sep 07 09:59:46[dvb_input 2:0] fe has lock. status:SCVYL signal:51% (-49.52dBm) snr:61% (12.30dB) ber:0 unc:0 Sep 07 09:59:46[Wness TV] Active input #1 Sep 07 09:59:48[dvb_input 4:0] fe has no lock. status:S Sep 07 09:59:49[dvb_input 0:0] fe has lock. status:SCVYL signal:53% (-47.54dBm) snr:51% (10.30dB) ber:0 unc:0 Sep 07 09:59:58[dvb_input 6:0] fe has lock. status:SCVYL signal:52% (-48.63dBm) snr:54% (10.89dB) ber:0 unc:0 Sep 07 10:00:04[dvbinput 4:0] fe has no lock. status:____ Sep 07 10:00:18[dvb_input 4:0] fe has lock. status:SCVYL signal:50% (-50.31dBm) snr:53% (10.69dB) ber:0 unc:0 Sep 07 10:00:49[dvb_input 0:0] dvr cc error Sep 07 10:00:58[dvb_input 6:0] dvr cc error Sep 07 10:01:00[dvb_input 2:0] fe has no lock. status:S____

I've noticed this happening after I enabled 6 virtual tuners at the same time. Doesn't happen when tuned 5 or less.

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

upload full dmesg output

current stid135 driver call fe_stid135_get_signal_info instead fe_stid135_get_signal_quality - https://github.com/tbsdtv/linux_media/blob/latest/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/stid135/stid135-fe.c#L627

so this error from old driver

P.S. you must update also linux_media local repo.

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

I've noticed this happening after I enabled 6 virtual tuners at the same time. Doesn't happen when tuned 5 or less. This is the only 6909X model I thought was working well, until I've reached 6 tuners enabled. What a surprise.

8PSK, 30000Ks maximum when all 8 demods used

Delitants commented 3 years ago

P.S. you must update also linux_media local repo.

It was done already.

I've rebooted the PC, waiting for it. to re-appear then will do dmesg.

8PSK, 30000Ks maximum when all 8 demods used

I'm aware, there is no transponders exceeding that value, I didn't even see any broadcasting higher than that in my area.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Gosh, wtf, every time something else:

[ 4.310792] bnx2 0000:25:00.0 enp37s0f0: using MSIX [ 4.393531] bnx2 0000:25:00.1 enp37s0f1: using MSIX [ 4.414888] Generic FE-GE Realtek PHY r8169-2200:00: attached PHY driver [Generic FE-GE Realtek PHY] (mii_bus:phy_addr=r8169-2200:00, irq=IGNORE) [ 4.529221] r8169 0000:22:00.0 enp34s0: Link is Down [ 5.101297] i2c i2c-2: stid135_probe: cut 2.1 [ 5.101299] i2c i2c-2: stid135_probe: 8xTS to STFE mode init. [ 5.128744] i2c i2c-2: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-2 [ 5.128749] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 5.128812] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 5.248754] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:76:b1 [ 5.248781] i2c i2c-2: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-2 [ 5.248783] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 1 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 5.248842] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 5.368748] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:76:b2 [ 5.368774] i2c i2c-2: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-2 [ 5.368777] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 2 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 5.368839] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 5.488752] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:76:b3 [ 5.488779] i2c i2c-2: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-2 [ 5.488782] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 3 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 5.488852] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 5.568757] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:76:b4 [ 5.568784] i2c i2c-2: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-2 [ 5.568787] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 4 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 5.568859] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 5.688740] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:76:b5 [ 5.688786] i2c i2c-2: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-2 [ 5.688789] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 5 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 5.688894] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 5.801330] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:76:b6 [ 5.801363] i2c i2c-2: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-2 [ 5.801365] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 6 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 5.801406] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 5.906019] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:76:b7 [ 5.906061] i2c i2c-2: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-2 [ 5.906063] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 7 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 5.906151] TBSECP3 driver 0000:21:00.0: TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X): PCI 0000:21:00.0, IRQ 61, MMIO 0xf6200000 [ 5.906196] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002) [ 5.906337] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X) [ 5.907489] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 5.975187] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:74:c8 [ 5.975226] i2c i2c-12: STiD135-LLA_REL_1.4.0-December_2018 [ 6.857595] bnx2 0000:25:00.0 enp37s0f0: NIC Copper Link is Up, 100 Mbps full duplex [ 6.857606] , receive & transmit flow control ON [ 6.857712] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp37s0f0: link becomes ready [ 7.580667] bnx2 0000:25:00.1 enp37s0f1: NIC Copper Link is Up, 1000 Mbps full duplex [ 7.580797] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp37s0f1: link becomes ready [ 7.629776] i2c i2c-12: stid135_probe: cut 2.1 [ 7.629778] i2c i2c-12: stid135_probe: 8xTS to STFE mode init. [ 7.657332] i2c i2c-12: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-12 [ 7.657336] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 8 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 7.657648] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 7.776840] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:01:c9 [ 7.777217] i2c i2c-12: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-12 [ 7.777220] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 9 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 7.777300] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 7.844277] r8169 0000:22:00.0 enp34s0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx [ 7.844286] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp34s0: link becomes ready [ 7.896954] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:74:ca [ 7.896997] i2c i2c-12: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-12 [ 7.897000] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 10 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 7.897108] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 8.017637] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:74:cb [ 8.017674] i2c i2c-12: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-12 [ 8.017678] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 11 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 8.017766] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 8.133541] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:74:cc [ 8.133579] i2c i2c-12: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-12 [ 8.133583] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 12 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 8.133699] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 8.255173] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:74:cd [ 8.255224] i2c i2c-12: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-12 [ 8.255229] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 13 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 8.255385] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 8.377379] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:74:ce [ 8.377419] i2c i2c-12: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-12 [ 8.377423] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 14 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 8.377547] dvbdev: DVB: registering new adapter (TBSECP3 DVB Adapter) [ 8.497142] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: MAC address 00:22:ab:92:74:cf [ 8.497195] i2c i2c-12: STiD135 Multistandard demod found at adr 68 on i2c-12 [ 8.497201] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: DVB: registering adapter 15 frontend 0 (TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X))... [ 8.497335] TBSECP3 driver 0000:28:00.0: TurboSight TBS 6909x (Octa DVB-S/S2/S2X): PCI 0000:28:00.0, IRQ 77, MMIO 0xf6000000 [ 13.929107] rfkill: input handler disabled [ 75.440292] dvb_net: created network interface dvb15_0 [ 75.440313] dvb_net: dvb15_0: no feed to stop [ 75.440316] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb15_0 [ 75.728481] dvb_net: created network interface dvb14_0 [ 75.728506] dvb_net: dvb14_0: no feed to stop [ 75.728509] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb14_0 [ 76.011700] dvb_net: created network interface dvb13_0 [ 76.011720] dvb_net: dvb13_0: no feed to stop [ 76.011723] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb13_0 [ 76.291505] dvb_net: created network interface dvb12_0 [ 76.291530] dvb_net: dvb12_0: no feed to stop [ 76.291532] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb12_0 [ 76.563254] dvb_net: created network interface dvb11_0 [ 76.563278] dvb_net: dvb11_0: no feed to stop [ 76.563281] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb11_0 [ 76.835012] dvb_net: created network interface dvb10_0 [ 76.835041] dvb_net: dvb10_0: no feed to stop [ 76.835044] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb10_0 [ 77.107384] dvb_net: created network interface dvb9_0 [ 77.107408] dvb_net: dvb9_0: no feed to stop [ 77.107411] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb9_0 [ 77.394931] dvb_net: created network interface dvb8_0 [ 77.394956] dvb_net: dvb8_0: no feed to stop [ 77.394959] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb8_0 [ 77.670689] dvb_net: created network interface dvb7_0 [ 77.670714] dvb_net: dvb7_0: no feed to stop [ 77.670716] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb7_0 [ 77.686911] dvb_net: created network interface dvb6_0 [ 77.686928] dvb_net: dvb6_0: no feed to stop [ 77.686930] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb6_0 [ 77.970347] dvb_net: created network interface dvb5_0 [ 77.970372] dvb_net: dvb5_0: no feed to stop [ 77.970375] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb5_0 [ 77.990685] dvb_net: created network interface dvb4_0 [ 77.990704] dvb_net: dvb4_0: no feed to stop [ 77.990707] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb4_0 [ 78.014624] dvb_net: created network interface dvb3_0 [ 78.014646] dvb_net: dvb3_0: no feed to stop [ 78.014648] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb3_0 [ 78.042635] dvb_net: created network interface dvb2_0 [ 78.042655] dvb_net: dvb2_0: no feed to stop [ 78.042657] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb2_0 [ 78.769742] dvb_net: created network interface dvb1_0 [ 78.769847] dvb_net: dvb1_0: no feed to stop [ 78.769850] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb1_0 [ 78.802022] dvb_net: created network interface dvb0_0 [ 78.802044] dvb_net: dvb0_0: no feed to stop [ 78.802047] dvb_net: removed network interface dvb0_0

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

Look ok :) At least init success.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

I've already replaced an Inverto Unicable switch as well, still no changes with card id 00010. It locks the transponders, plays like a minute, then drops to 0 signal, then restarts and locks again and like this infinitely. 3 cards 6909x 00010, all the same problem. How possible can be 3 cards be bad at the same time? Why 6909x 0009 card doesn't have that? This is freaks me out... RMA offers now look like a waste of time, unless I agree to swap 6909X to a 6909 as TBS sales me offered by sending to EU distributor, but that's not a fair trade.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Oh look, fresh errors https://paste.centos.org/view/a064d50b

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

cards 6909x 00010, all the same problem. How possible can be 3 cards be bad at the same time?

For me this look like some pci-e bus problems, but maybe card hw failure. STiD135 stop respond after some time.

Why 6909x 0009 card doesn't have that? This is freaks me out...

So released V2 card now work ?

Delitants commented 3 years ago

I know it's very confusing and results are inconsistent. Neither sales dep or anybody else could clearly tell what is "V2" at all, numbering is weird, because it would make sense to name a newer model as 00010 not 0009 and then they sent me a second card like-a V1 looking... it just adds more confusion and madness to all this.

Anyway, so if 6909x 0009 IS a V2 released to a public, and 6909X 00010 IS an OLD faulty one, then:

1) V2 of mine IS working fine, it currently sitting in the pc with X99 motherboard, sometimes shows that "i2c i2c-2: fe_stid135_get_signal_quality error", doesn't hurt much, I haven't tried to update driver there yet.

2) AND meanwhile in another brand new PC AMD based I have 2x6909X (one my old and one they sent as a replacement), both show up as 00010 subsys. I've been messing around this host quite a lot, at the moment I've achieved up to 5 virtual tuners to be locked at a time without errors, but it doesn't go higher, tuning 6th on any of the card of these makes everything flap-flap, not just 6th one, but all the rest tuners (lock/unlock/lock/unlock DVR CC error, i2c xfer timeout, dvr receiving timeout. restarting adapter... etc). ALSO dmesg does show "[ 536.420548] i2c i2c-2: stid135_read_status: fe_stid135_get_signal_info error 31" even with recent driver as well. Dmesg https://paste.centos.org/view/7c6e1276

So is there any way to make these 00010 to work at 8 tuners at all? It doesn't even handle SD channels or radio.

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

Anyway, so if 6909x 0009 IS a V2 released to a public, and 6909X 00010 IS an OLD faulty one

My sample V1 work ok. PCB version at left down corner. IMG_20200908_031534

  1. V2 = 6909x 0009. Need update drivers.

  2. Look like faulty cards. RMA

So is there any way to make these 00010 to work at 8 tuners at all? It doesn't even handle SD channels or radio.

My V1 sample work ok with 8x DVB-S2, 8PSK,30000Ks. SD, HD, UHD or radio - no matter.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

What PCB is? I have one card like you showed on a pic, it works ok on X99 mobo right now. I'm trying to do something with V1 now, apparently they RMA'ed me same V1 second time and they don't seem want to send a second proper V2.

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

So you have released 6909x V2 ? PCI\VEN_544D&DEV_6178&SUBSYS_00096909

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Yes. I have two 6909XV1, they were replaced without return with two V2, BUT only one came as 0009, another came as 00010. This is the problem, I had no idea that they sent me V1 again by mistake.

This one is in production and I have no complaints about it:

01:00.0 Multimedia controller: TBS Technologies DVB-S2 4 Tuner PCIe Card Subsystem: Device 6909:0009 Physical Slot: 1 Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR+ FastB2B- DisINTx+ Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- SERR- <PERR- INTx- Latency: 0, Cache Line Size: 32 bytes Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 47 NUMA node: 0 Region 0: Memory at fb800000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256K] Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3 Flags: PMEClk- DSI- D1- D2- AuxCurrent=0mA PME(D0-,D1-,D2-,D3hot-,D3cold-) Status: D0 NoSoftRst- PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME- Capabilities: [70] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Address: 00000000fee00538 Data: 0000 Capabilities: [90] Express (v1) Endpoint, MSI 00 DevCap: MaxPayload 128 bytes, PhantFunc 0, Latency L0s <64ns, L1 <1us ExtTag- AttnBtn- AttnInd- PwrInd- RBE+ FLReset- SlotPowerLimit 0.000W DevCtl: Report errors: Correctable- Non-Fatal- Fatal- Unsupported- RlxdOrd- ExtTag- PhantFunc- AuxPwr- NoSnoop- MaxPayload 128 bytes, MaxReadReq 512 bytes DevSta: CorrErr- UncorrErr- FatalErr- UnsuppReq- AuxPwr- TransPend- LnkCap: Port #0, Speed 2.5GT/s, Width x1, ASPM L0s, Exit Latency L0s unlimited, L1 <1us ClockPM- Surprise- LLActRep- BwNot- ASPMOptComp- LnkCtl: ASPM Disabled; RCB 64 bytes Disabled- CommClk+ ExtSynch- ClockPM- AutWidDis- BWInt- AutBWInt- LnkSta: Speed 2.5GT/s, Width x1, TrErr- Train- SlotClk+ DLActive- BWMgmt- ABWMgmt- Capabilities: [100 v1] Device Serial Number 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 Kernel driver in use: TBSECP3 driver Kernel modules: tbsecp3

crazycat69 commented 3 years ago

So next question - this card 6909:0009 work ok with latest drivers ?

Delitants commented 3 years ago

So next question - this card 6909:0009 work ok with latest drivers ?

If appearance of "[ 536.420548] i2c i2c-2: stid135_read_status: fe_stid135_get_signal_info error 31" in dmesg once per few hours considers to be OK, then yes.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

I've sent 00010 tuners back for replacement for 0009. I'm out of options. Thanks.

mustang011 commented 3 years ago

Hello, does the manufacturer replace TBS 6909X v1 with TBS 6909X v2 for free on warranty? I wrote to my seller and says that he is waiting for a response from the manufacturer (I'm already waiting for 2 months). I have image problems (staking, black screen, green artifacts) on this card despite the high quality of the sat signal. After a month of use, I replaced the TBS 6909X v1 card with a new TBS 6909X v1 and the image chopping effect has improved, but is still present. After one year of using the TBS 6909X v1, the TBS 6909X v2 version will be released. I am writing here because on the tbs forum some of them did not answer me.

Delitants commented 3 years ago

Hello, does the manufacturer replace TBS 6909X v1 with TBS 6909X v2 for free on warranty? I wrote to my seller and says that he is waiting for a response from the manufacturer (I'm already waiting for 2 months). I have image problems (staking, black screen, green artifacts) on this card despite the high quality of the sat signal. After a month of use, I replaced the TBS 6909X v1 card with a new TBS 6909X v1 and the image chopping effect has improved, but is still present. After one year of using the TBS 6909X v1, the TBS 6909X v2 version will be released. I am writing here because on the tbs forum some of them did not answer me.

TBS has replaced all my V1 cards with V2 for no charge. You have to write them directly, something couple times so they read your emails.

tbsiptv commented 3 years ago

Hello, does the manufacturer replace TBS 6909X v1 with TBS 6909X v2 for free on warranty? I wrote to my seller and says that he is waiting for a response from the manufacturer (I'm already waiting for 2 months). I have image problems (staking, black screen, green artifacts) on this card despite the high quality of the sat signal. After a month of use, I replaced the TBS 6909X v1 card with a new TBS 6909X v1 and the image chopping effect has improved, but is still present. After one year of using the TBS 6909X v1, the TBS 6909X v2 version will be released. I am writing here because on the tbs forum some of them did not answer me.

Hi Sir ,

please send email to our support@tbsdtv.com and provide your order information ,we will handle this
