tbsdtv / linux_media

TBS linux open source drivers
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TBS 6985 problem with signal. VERY VERY VERY STRANGE ! #205

Open semering opened 4 years ago

semering commented 4 years ago

I have 2 TBS cards - Linux 18.04 ( 6985 sat + 6285 cable ) Signals on TBS 6285 adapters are always locked ( Astra Cesbo 5.64 ) and working perfect. But signals, or channels are dropping all the time on TBS 6985 SAT. One time, signals are OK on all 4 adapters, but the channels go on and off. Other time, 1 of the 4 adapters is just gone. I think that on the video I can send to somebody, everything will be clear to somebody who knows the problems with astra+TBS.

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zhang111chao commented 4 years ago

hi , please add my skype jack_2431 . or write email to jack@tbsdtv.com .
best regards!

egrekov commented 3 years ago

Good day! We also have 6985 cards, and the same problem after restarting the astra, we have to restart the adapters manually. Can you have a recipe to cure this sore?