tc39 / proposal-deep-path-properties-for-record

ECMAScript proposal for deep spread syntax for Records
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Support for transforming updates? #19

Open dead-claudia opened 3 years ago

dead-claudia commented 3 years ago

Should nested updates like #{...rec, a.b[c].d: a.b[c].d + 1} have a special sugar syntax to remove the duplication? While the above doesn't seem like much with single-letter names, longer variable names can make it get very unwieldy very quickly.

hax commented 2 years ago

Yeah, this is a pain point very much.

Note the original code #{...rec, a.b[c].d: a.b[c].d + 1} already have the bug, the right code might be: #{...rec, a.b[c].d: rec.a.b[c].d + 1}

Such bug actually shows the defect of current syntax --- It seems current syntax have no potential to extend to solve the pain point.

ljharb commented 2 years ago

Nor do objects. Why would we want to solve this piecemeal?

dead-claudia commented 2 years ago

@ljharb I don't think anyone said or implied anything about how it'd be solved. The proposal itself is unnecessarily leading in that direction, I agree, but I'm not sure this particular issue is a symptom of that.

ljharb commented 2 years ago

@isiahmeadows the proposal's name is "for record", so i think it's reasonable to assume that's all it's trying to solve.

hax commented 2 years ago

Nor do objects. Why would we want to solve this piecemeal?

As I understand, the general purpose of the proposal is to solve the ergonomic problem of updating tuples/records, deep nest is the problem, so introduce deep path, but repeat of a long path is also a ergonomic problem, and as this issue shows, confusion of path a.b.c with expression a.b.c would also be a serious ergonomic problem and tend to cause bug.

Those problem of course also apply to objects.

Though there is a difference. IMO, object literal in many cases do not need updating style like o = {...o, x: o.x+1}, instead we just use:

foo({...o}) // or deepClone(o) if nest levels

PS. This also make me think maybe the best solution of ergonomic problem of the updating is just allow rec.x++ directly.

let rec1 = #{a:1, b:2}
const rec2 = rec1

assert(rec1 === rec2)

rec1.a = 2

assert(rec1 !== rec2)
assert(rec1 === #{a: 2, b: 3})

rec2.a++ // throw, because rec2 is const

Allow rec.x++ could seems weird on first glance but it's just how most other mainstream programming languages deal with value types.

The key point is: Assignment (or passing to other functions) would always use copy semantic for value types.

I found that there are two concept model which may help to understand mutating a record/tuple directly.

  1. Swift way (also the way of languages which use value type semantics by default, eg. C++)

Don't think record as immutable objects. They are values which hold by variables, when mutate any part of a record, the whole value (and all values in the path) have been changed. So the variable need to be let (or var) to allow change.

  1. Kotlin way

Still think record as immutable object , and just treat rec.a.b++ as syntax sugar of

(() => {
  const _temp = rec.a.b
  rec = #{...rec, a: {...rec.a, b: _temp + 1}}
  return _temp

Note the real transformation in transpilers like babel would be complex because it need to check in which level it's the start of the record/tuple.

dead-claudia commented 2 years ago

Nor do objects. Why would we want to solve this piecemeal?

As I understand, the general purpose of the proposal is to solve the ergonomic problem of updating tuples/records, deep nest is the problem, so introduce deep path, but repeat of a long path is also a ergonomic problem, and as this issue shows, confusion of path a.b.c with expression a.b.c would also be a serious ergonomic problem and tend to cause bug.

Those problem of course also apply to objects.

Though there is a difference. IMO, object literal in many cases do not need updating style like o = {...o, x: o.x+1}, instead we just use:

return {...o} // or deepClone(o) if nest levels

JS lacks such a hypothetical deepClone API, though. Also, the copy has to happen before the update, not after (your example is wrong), and there could very well be mutable class instances within the list of properties that you probably don't want to clone blindly. (Yes, structured clone could address maps and sets, but it won't address custom class instances.) So there still is a use case for it even despite that, as it's not doing a full clone, only enough of one to update the inner value.

hax commented 2 years ago

@isiahmeadows I wrote the code example to illustrate the different style , I'm sorry it could make confusion. What I try to describe is, instead of avoid mutation, another (maybe much common) style is just mutate and do copy when needed. return seems bad case, so I changed it to foo(o). The full comparison is

// immutable object style 
let o = immutable({x:1})
o = immutable({...o, x: o.x+1})


// mutable style
let o = {x:1}

What I feel is, currently record/tuple is more like the syntax sugar for immutable object style,

let o = #{x:1}
o = #{...o, x: o.x+1}

But if consider it from the (mutable) value type, we just get

let o = #{x:1}
foo1(o) // o is value type so always copy
foo(o) // o is value type so always copy

JS lacks such a hypothetical deepClone API ... that you probably don't want to clone blindly ...

Yeah, this is why I only talk about object literal. It's trivial to write deepClone for object literals (simple objects), but impossible to write deepClone for complex objects. Actually it's also impossible to write immutable(o) for complex objects.

Jack-Works commented 2 years ago

🤔 what about let's just built-in immer.js?

magic-akari commented 2 years ago

Nor do objects. Why would we want to solve this piecemeal?

As I understand, the general purpose of the proposal is to solve the ergonomic problem of updating tuples/records, deep nest is the problem, so introduce deep path, but repeat of a long path is also a ergonomic problem, and as this issue shows, confusion of path a.b.c with expression a.b.c would also be a serious ergonomic problem and tend to cause bug.

Those problem of course also apply to objects.

Though there is a difference. IMO, object literal in many cases do not need updating style like o = {...o, x: o.x+1}, instead we just use:

foo({...o}) // or deepClone(o) if nest levels

PS. This also make me think maybe the best solution of ergonomic problem of the updating is just allow rec.x++ directly.

let rec1 = #{a:1, b:2}
const rec2 = rec1

assert(rec1 === rec2)

rec1.a = 2

assert(rec1 !== rec2)
assert(rec1 === #{a: 2, b: 3})

rec2.a++ // throw, because rec2 is const

Allow rec.x++ could seems weird on first glance but it's just how most other mainstream programming languages deal with value types.

The key point is: Assignment (or passing to other functions) would always use copy semantic for value types.

I found that there are two concept model which may help to understand mutating a record/tuple directly.

  1. Swift way (also the way of languages which use value type semantics by default, eg. C++)

Don't think record as immutable objects. They are values which hold by variables, when mutate any part of a record, the whole value (and all values in the path) have been changed. So the variable need to be let (or var) to allow change.

  1. Kotlin way

Still think record as immutable object , and just treat rec.a.b++ as syntax sugar of

(() => {
  const _temp = rec.a.b
  rec = #{...rec, a: {...rec.a, b: _temp + 1}}
  return _temp

Note the real transformation in transpilers like babel would be complex because it need to check in which level it's the start of the record/tuple.

let a = 1;
let b = a;
assert(a == b);
a = 2;
assert(a != b); // a == 2, b == 1

let a = #{ c: 1 };
let b = a;
assert(a == b);
a.c = 2;
assert(a != b); // a == #{ c: 2 }, b == #{ c: 1 }

const a = 1;
a = 2; // error

const a = #{ c: 1 };
a.c = 2; // error
ljharb commented 2 years ago

It is certainly interesting to consider, assignment to a record or tuple would be sugar for creating a new R/T and assigning it to the same binding.

magic-akari commented 2 years ago
function foo(a) {
    let b = a;
    assert(a == b); // what will happen to this if we pass a record in? It seems that we need a new keyword to mark record/tuple in TypeScript.
hax commented 2 years ago

@magic-akari Good question. And I had to admit this is the dark side of allowing mutating tuple/records directly. You can not tell whether a == b, because the semantic of both === and a.c++ already changed (for records). It's hard to say how bad it is. And a.c++ maybe not the worst. The worst part maybe the path mix of objects and records. eg. a.b.c.d++, the change will "propagate" to the topmost object property (or local binding). C++ have two operators (-> for deref member access), which make code look like a->b.c.d so we clearly know the boundary of value and reference, but we have to stick on . for exchangeability of objects/records.

Personally I think the weirdness is coming from the compound value type (which js never have before) and unavoidable if we also want real ergonomic of updating. TS and IDE could help to mitigate the problem, for example, with the type info, IDE could display the code like a._b.c.d_ (underscored b.c.d part) so we could know the path of record.

dead-claudia commented 2 years ago

It is certainly interesting to consider, assignment to a record or tuple would be sugar for creating a new R/T and assigning it to the same binding.

That is far too implicit for my liking. It doesn't intuitively look like it should change even though it does. And === to me represents effective identity, not mere equality.

hax commented 2 years ago

That is far too implicit for my liking. It doesn't intuitively look like it should change even though it does. And === to me represents effective identity, not mere equality.

Yeah, it's too implicit. And === already mean equality not identity for tuple&record. Value types do not have identity. So the implicitness and the "equality instead of identity" is the consequence of introducing compound value type. If we really unlike it , we'd better change tuple/record to immutable objects not value type (though I don't think it really solve the problem) 😂

dead-claudia commented 2 years ago

@hax I used "effective identity" to help clarify I wasn't referring to, say, machine address or anything like that. I meant it more like the mathematical sense, where identity is typically determined by structure. Hope that helps!

hax commented 2 years ago

@isiahmeadows It seems your "effective identity" is just my "identity". But I'm not sure what's the difference between your "identity" and "equality"?

ljharb commented 2 years ago

Identity in JS is not determined by contents, unless you have a “value type” - where my mental model is, every 3 is the same instance of 3.

mhofman commented 1 year ago

As I mention in, I don't think we should overload the reference assignment operation depending on the type of the value behind the base reference.

However an explicit new syntax which makes clear the base ref is updated when assigning to the reference may make sense.

Not a proposal for specific syntax, but something along the lines of

const foo1 = #{ bar: #{ baz: 123 }  };
let foo2 = foo1;
foo2->bar.baz = 456;
assert( === 123);
assert(foo1 !=== foo2);