tc39 / proposal-flatMap

proposal for flatten and flatMap on arrays
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rename flatten to smoosh #56

Closed michaelficarra closed 6 years ago

michaelficarra commented 6 years ago

As reported in Bugzilla bug 1443630, 8+year old versions of MooTools conditionally define an incompatible version of Array.prototype.flatten. See mootools/mootools-core/Source/Core/Core.js for the responsible code. In an attempt to turn a negative situation into a positive one, I am taking this opportunity to rename flatten to smoosh.


jdalton commented 6 years ago

What percentage of sites does this affect?

TrySound commented 6 years ago

What is this word?

jdalton commented 6 years ago
TrySound commented 6 years ago

How about squash?

js-choi commented 6 years ago

See also IRC #tc39 from today.

domenic commented 6 years ago

I think we should rename flatMap to smooshMap in this case. (Not kidding.)

jdalton commented 6 years ago
mrm8488 commented 6 years ago

We should rename object to dictionary too...

sindresorhus commented 6 years ago

Swift recently renamed flatMap to compactMap, for clarity. How about Array#compact and Array#compactMap?

jdalton commented 6 years ago

I know compact as array.filter(Boolean)

zloirock commented 6 years ago

In this case, compact already taken: and

zloirock commented 6 years ago

Array#flatten already added to core-js -> babel-polyfill, I hadn't any issues about it, so that means at least that it does not break any sites where they used together with MooTools.

zloirock commented 6 years ago

(Sure, MooTools used mainly in ancient sites, but I had many issues about compatibility with also ancient PrototypeJS.)

brunolemos commented 6 years ago

Please let's not add ~lame~ non-optimal method names to a language specification (which is basically permanent) to avoid some libs and old websites from having to upgrade themselves.

We can use a gitbub bot to search and create an issue on all affected repositories, for example.

Flatten is the intuitive name for the feature? So that's what should be used.

realityking commented 6 years ago

What’s the incompatibility between the two implementations? Is it just the default value for the depth parameter? If so, how about aligning with Mootools?

callmevlad commented 6 years ago

I've opened up an issue with Mootools: - however, they have not had a release in more than 2 years (which should hint at it's usage/adoption level), so I'm not too optimistic that they might change their implementation.

Haroenv commented 6 years ago

What about importing native prototypes? As in import Array.prototype.flatten from “web”

nilssolanki commented 6 years ago

I'm also in favor of squash, as smoosh isn't intuitive for many non-native English speakers.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@callmevlad unless you could get all sites using older mootools to upgrade, it wouldn't make a difference.

@Haroenv that would conflict with

Haroenv commented 6 years ago

@ljharb, I meant the idea, syntax could be different to avoid conflict. For example add prototype { flatten } to Array, which can only be the native one

nafg commented 6 years ago

Other name for flatMap are chain, join, bind

zloirock commented 6 years ago

@Haroenv for this case, we already have bind syntax:

import flatten from 'Array';


but it's not very convenient. Real prototype method without any imports / extensions much better.

Haroenv commented 6 years ago

I get your point, but it would avoid the conflict. I would assume that build tooling can be set up to add the binding of prototypes by default to the native ones, which would avoid the hassle.

Seeing as how many times we see conflicts, having a way to definitely avoid them, rather than trying to find the least breaking name would be interesting IMO

gkatsanos commented 6 years ago

// edited from author. core of message : Mootools should not influence the new spec

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@gkatsanos this is the second comment you've made on this thread that's inappropriate. I'll point you to our code of conduct - if you continue to be hostile, further moderation steps will be taken.

To answer your question, browsers care about Mootools (and users of sites that use Mootools), and thus so too must everyone.

jsg2021 commented 6 years ago

Seriously? prototype polution has been frowned on for years with warnings that if you do, your site may break... Are we really backing down from that warning and letting these old sites dictate our future?

What’s the point of warning and cautioning developers if don’t honor our warnings?

gkatsanos commented 6 years ago

@ljharb My wording was inappropriate but judging from other comments, and on twitter, the core of my message is the popular opinion.

I urge anyone who is against not using "flatten" in the official spec in order to accomodate an anti-pattern of "Mootools" to upvote this comment.

Was this thread opened in order to see what the popular opinion is? In that case the native JavaScript language should not change it's upcoming new specs in order to accomodate obsolete libraries. I don't even understand why we're discussing it.

Aren't there IE6,7,8,9 quirks that the new JS spec doesn't support and the opposite? Definitely so. So why all this talk about a library not in use since years? Is there interest because one of its' creators is involved in TC39 or something?

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@gkatsanos No proposal will be added to the language that breaks websites; the entire process is built around that axiom.

If that happened, then browsers would refuse to ship it, and then nobody would be implementing the spec - the spec only matters in the context of implementations - and implementations won't break their users. Note that it's the USERS of the website - not the people who made Mootools, or chose to use it - that would suffer if those websites are broken. Quite simply, it's user-hostile and shows a lack of empathy to even consider breaking those users for the "crimes" that developers perhaps committed.

gkatsanos commented 6 years ago

@ljharb I understand your point of view, and I disagree with it. You cannot have progress if you have to satisfy each and every JS library created from the inception of JS libraries.

Does this mean that today I can create a new (non existing in the native spec) method, add it in the native object, using it in a certain percentage of websites and force TC39 to change it's future implementation thus essentially hijacking the language evolution process?

jacobp100 commented 6 years ago

Something like innerConcat or concatContents?

arpowers commented 6 years ago

Rule 1: don't get cute. Rule 2. There are no other rules.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@gkatsanos it's the entire committee's point of view. What that means is that yes, you can create a new nonexistent method, use it in a certain percentage of websites, and actively destroy any proposal trying to add that method name. I hope you don't do that, because that would be pretty sociopathic, but that's absolutely how the process works, and will continue to work for the foreseeable future.

We've made tons of progress with this constraint, and we'll continue to make progress with it.

egeriis commented 6 years ago

Just curious, bit what’s the threshold for a library to be taken into account when speccing future JS?

My point is, if someone made a framework with an incompatible Array.prototype.squash, how many websites should use this in order for it to have an impact on future JS specs?

zloirock commented 6 years ago

@ljharb breaking some minor sites (which can be fixed) vs confusing thousands of developers - what's your choice? We should explore how many sites it can break. As an option - we can make it compatible with MooTools without changing the name - Infinity deep by default. The same deep used in SugarJS. Interesting, why no one explored compatibility this proposal with popular libraries before.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@zloirock the committee's choice has been and will continue to be, not breaking any sites if it can be avoided.

The option of making the depth Infinity by default is something I'd like to see, rather than renaming - but that's a separate question. In a state where it breaks sites, the proposal simply will never progress, full stop.

gkatsanos commented 6 years ago

@ljharb how many websites? What is the threshold? : it's realistic to say the number is so low that directly contacting the webmasters of these websites is feasible.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@gkatsanos if you wanted to do all JS developers a solid, you are more than welcome to try to contact every website that this proposal breaks, and get them to update.

arpowers commented 6 years ago

I agree with not breaking sites, regressions like that are a huge pain. And thats the best rule to follow for a standard.

IMO if there is a conflict, Array.prototype.flat seems to work fine.

brunolemos commented 6 years ago

Here's another point to consider: Not all old-websites-using-mootools are using the flatten method. In fact, probably a very small proportion of it. So the majority of them may not even break.

EDIT: This hypothesis would need to be tested as it seems mootools itself use flatten in a couple files.

gkatsanos commented 6 years ago

@gkatsanos if you wanted to do all JS developers a solid, you are more than welcome to try to contact every website that this proposal breaks, and get them to update.

@ljharb I'll take 3000 if you take the other 3000. (I am serious)

jdalton commented 6 years ago

FWIW browsers make informed decisions to break sites all the time. I think data is a good thing to collect to help make those kinds of calls. I'd also dig creating a solution to global builtin prototype pollution all-up. Whether that's module safe builtins, new builtin modules for method additions, fancy realm APIs, etc.

zloirock commented 6 years ago

zloirock commented 6 years ago

depoulo commented 6 years ago

I'm definitely no expert but what if in browsers, new prototype methods were only available in es module context, (or in 'use strict' context)?

timwienk commented 6 years ago

@brunolemos commented:

Please let's not add lame non-optimal method names to a language specification (which is basically permanent) to avoid some libs and old websites from having to upgrade themselves.

We can use a gitbub bot to search and create an issue on all affected repositories, for example.

Flatten is the intuitive name for the feature? So that's what should be used.

Can we listen to this? :-)

Cross-posting part of my own comment at mootools/mootools-core#2797, assuming most people don't look there:

MooTools' aim has always been to help improve the JavaScript landscape, and I'd like to think we really did help do that.

In my opinion, the worst thing to do is to settle for a bad name for a JavaScript API, because a JavaScript library decided to use it first.

API should be decided on because of how intuitive it is, which means it should at least be logical, easy to understand and if possible in line with established names in other languages.

Anyway -

I'm sure we can look into updating this API on the MooTools end, but it won't really change what happens to old projects.

It should work in such a way - but I'll have to double check if that goes for all versions - that old versions of MooTools Core just overwrite a native method if it exists. For a new version, it should then only place the method (with new API) if it doesn't exist.

This way old projects continue to work fine (since their code will expect MooTools Core's flatten and will get it), new projects (with an updated MooTools Core) will have the new method.

I believe the only difference with MooTools Core's flatten is the depth argument. MooTools Core flattens recursively, while the TC39 proposal only goes up to depth, which defaults to 1. Is this API final?

Andarist commented 6 years ago

Just like @jdalton & @zloirock - it should be backed by data, the whole premise of not breaking the web is as said broken (😉), maybe not by ecma committee but by browser vendors and users (not developers) get affected by this and somehow we do not hear about many cases of angried users because of that.

heejongahn commented 6 years ago

I respect the committee's decision to avoid breaking existing web whenever possible. Yet it won't really make sense to use sub-optimal naming for the spec because of single personal website right? I think establishing (or at least trying to establish) some sort of threshold(percentage/# of sites/etc) can be beneficial to both end users and devs. Easier said than done, but still...

zloirock commented 6 years ago

In PrototypeJS Array#flatten also has Infinity deep.

zloirock commented 6 years ago

So, actual proposal is incompatible with all popular libraries which extends built-in prototypes:

I don't think that it's possible to break usage flatten for them all.

I see only 2 ways:

Andarist commented 6 years ago

I don't think that it's possible to break usage flatten for them all.

The fact that they monkey-patch prototypes doesn't immediately mean that all consuming websites are relaying on flatten/flatMap & and even if they rely on it percentage should go even lower for people who rely on them working with Infinity depth.

It's all just theoretical though, vendors should collect data about this that could provide a clear direction for this proposal.

IMHO using static instead of prototype methods would fix this "problem" in a clean way either way.