tc39 / proposal-flatMap

proposal for flatten and flatMap on arrays
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Rename flatten to flat #63

Closed Kerrick closed 6 years ago

Kerrick commented 6 years ago

Benefits: It feels a bit more natural to have flat + map = flatMap than flatten + map = flatMap; It won't clobber old incompatible prototype monkey-patches; and it is shorter.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

I think this is a fine name suggestion, but i don’t agree at all with your rationale. There’s no correlation to what makes an array method a mutator method or not.

List of verb-based Array prototype methods that do not modify the array in-place:

Kerrick commented 6 years ago

@ljharb Fair enough. Should I edit the verb justification out of the PR description and just leave the name change?

As a side note I had always considered map, filter, and slice to be nouns. For example, "create a slice of the array." That would explain why I thought verbs were more often for mutations :)

ljharb commented 6 years ago

The conflation of verbs and nouns is a common naming issue :-) It’s probably best to strikethru or remove that justification, yes, but that’s up to you.

Kerrick commented 6 years ago

For future readers, here is what the original comment had said:

Because verb-based Array prototype methods usually imply altering the array in-place rather than returning a changed copy of the array, and because the proposed prototype flatten method returns a new array without mutating the existing array, I propose we change from a verb to a similar adjective. In this PR I chose flat but any non-verb would do.

List of verb-based Array prototype methods that modify the array in-place:

  • sort
  • reverse
  • fill
  • splice
  • pop
  • push
  • shift
  • unshift
  • copyWithin
pygy commented 6 years ago

flattened could also work.

bakkot commented 6 years ago

flat + map = flatMap

Unfortunately it's map + flat = flatMap, unless I suppose you're thinking of + as the function composition operator.

Anyway, this seems like a fine name to me. Between slice, splice, entries, some, and forEach, it seems we have pretty much no naming convention at all, so there's nothing much lost by picking a different form of our preferred word if it gives us web-compat.

I prefer flat to flattened just because it's shorter, and to me just as obvious what it does.

pygy commented 6 years ago

unnest could also work, but we'd lose the flat- root common with flatMap.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

The two names need to be consistent; if we change one, we’d need to change the other.

josephjunker commented 6 years ago

collapse? It's nice to have the names be consistent but I don't see why they necessarily have to be. In Haskell and Scala the equivalent of flatMap is generalized to container types other than just arrays, and the generalized equivalent to "flatten" is called join in both of them. I don't think it would be a bad thing if JS also had different names for each.

snoozbuster commented 6 years ago

Can we consider flatten2? I've seen this pattern used before in other languages to extend or add functionality without breaking something exisitng; C# created an X509Certificate2 class to add breaking functionality without breaking code using X509Certificate, and Java created LayoutManager2 to extend LayoutManager for a similar reason.

js-choi commented 6 years ago

squash and squashMap may still be good options.

Pajn commented 6 years ago

To me, flat reads much more strongly as an adjective than either a noun or a verb which then makes it read as a property rather than a method.

jacktuck commented 6 years ago

Just to throw another name into the hat, what about unwind?

tabatkins commented 6 years ago

I do favor flat over flattened for shorter/spelling reasons, but flattened goes nicely with sorted from Python, if we ever add that.

saschanaz commented 6 years ago

unindent? because:

flat (adj.): smooth and even; without marked lumps or indentations.



// unindented, something like IDEs do for texts 😀
joshburgess commented 6 years ago

Is there a reason for avoiding chain? It's a well known synonym to flatMap and not already used, unlike other synonyms, such as bind...

michaelficarra commented 6 years ago

Fixed by Thank you for your suggestion.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@joshburgess chain would necessitate chainMap, and neither name makes much sense imo.

tabatkins commented 6 years ago

@ljharb You're misunderstanding - @joshburgess is suggesting chain for flatMap (and then, I suppose, not worrying about keeping the array-flattening operation's name close to the monadic operator).

joshburgess commented 6 years ago

I meant as a synonym to flatMap, not flat, so maybe this was the wrong place to post.... but regardless of whether or not it "makes sense", it's already a well known synonym for "flatMap" in various languages and even JS libraries.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@tabatkins ah, thanks for clarifying.

In that case I think that doesn't address the problem of "what to name flatten" (setting aside that we already reached consensus for "flat").

joshburgess commented 6 years ago

Some examples:

In Ramda:

or in the context of streams

Maybe, this should be a separate Issue thread?

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@joshburgess it's a stage 3 proposal and the name "flat" achieved consensus today. You certainly can file a separate thread, but it'd have to be a pretty compelling argument to make any change.

puffnfresh commented 6 years ago

A compelling reason is that it's been used as an identifier for the operation for 5 years:

As far as I know, much longer than flatMap has been used in JS.

Kerrick commented 6 years ago

Any reason why you made a fresh commit instead of merging the PR? Now it won’t show up as a contribution on my GitHub profile 😆

ChALkeR commented 6 years ago

@Kerrick Probably, this:

followed by a flat of depth 1

The patches are a bit different.

ChALkeR commented 6 years ago

@michaelficarra Btw, I personally like the version in this PR more.

Current version:

a map followed by a flatten of depth 1

What's «flatten»? :wink:

Mouvedia commented 6 years ago

chain for flatMap and collapse for flatten would have been explicit but somewhat inconsistent. IMHO verbs sounds better.