tc39 / proposal-number-fromstring

{BigInt,Number}.fromString(string, radix)
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Symmetry with `toString` — exceptions? #15

Open mathiasbynens opened 6 years ago

mathiasbynens commented 6 years ago

Making fromString be symmetric to toString makes sense. How strict do we want to be about this, though?

One special case might be non-[0-9] digits which are ASCII case-insensitive in literals and in parseInt. For example, 0xbeef === 0xBEEF.

However, if we make fromString strictly symmetrical to toString, Number.fromString('BEEF', 16) would throw. Is that what we want?

@domenic @ajklein

mathiasbynens commented 6 years ago

a29f339980abb55d93f50c650294eedf071363d5 makes fromString symmetrical to toString, with the exception that the input string is ASCII case-insensitive, making Number.fromString('BEEF', 16) === Number.fromString('beef', 16). Please take a look and let me know of any issues.

littledan commented 6 years ago

I'm happy with these semantics. Seems appropriate to be case-insensitive and otherwise symmetrical.

domenic commented 6 years ago

I'd weakly prefer case-sensitivity/throwing, at least until I heard what the use case for allowing uppercase is. Given the design of the rest of the function, I'd really expect it to be used for "deserializing" use cases where the output is from toString; I'm not sure where you'd get an uppercased version.

ajklein commented 6 years ago

I don't have a strong argument for @domenic, only intuition that case-insensitivity here "makes sense". @jakobkummerow might have opinions here too.

mathiasbynens commented 6 years ago

I don’t have a very strong argument either, but here’s what I had in mind when I created this issue:

Jamesernator commented 6 years ago

If there's no difference in implementations then I'd rather see fromString be strictly limited to lower case sequences (one can trivially call .toLowerCase before passing to fromString) and the spec to specify .toString more precisely.

The reason for this is it might also be desirable to be able to parse Infinity and NaN values in any base without ambiguity, because if case sensitivity is not considered then Number.fromString("Infinity", 36) couldn't be the inverse of Infinity.toString().

mathiasbynens commented 6 years ago

@Jamesernator The way this is phrased in the current spec text enables case-insensitivity while still supporting the Infinity and NaN cases you mention.

littledan commented 6 years ago

@mathiasbynens I don't really understand how the current logic supports things like Infinity. Is this interpreted to be handled by "represents a mathematical number value"?

mathiasbynens commented 6 years ago

Is this interpreted to be handled by "represents a mathematical number value"?

I’d think so. I agree this is too hand-wavey, just like parseInt’s specification: #16

More specifically, the current phrasing specifies that a-z and A-Z are used for digits. Infinity does not contain digits.

littledan commented 6 years ago

I don't understand the resolution of ambiguity. In base 36, aren't all the characters of Infinity digits? I agree with @domenic that more explicit wording would be best here.