tc39 / proposal-signals

A proposal to add signals to JavaScript.
MIT License
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Setup release automation #118

Closed NullVoxPopuli closed 2 weeks ago

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 months ago

This automation uses: release-plan via this npx boilerplate generator, which is a hybrid of the best parts of release-it and changesets, where:

The one-time setup:


ljharb commented 2 months ago

I remain very concerned that a TC39 proposal is publishing a polyfill (that it will seem "official" - but TC39 does not publish official polyfills), and I strongly suggest you extract the package to a separate repo.

littledan commented 2 months ago

@ljharb Developing a polyfill has been very helpful for this proposal. If you want to adopt a rule in TC39, please propose this to committee for consideration, rather than expressing your concern to individual proposal authors in random patches (this PR does not introduce the polyfill).

ljharb commented 2 months ago

This proposal is in stage 0, and it's not until stage 2 that we usually discuss solutions, so I'm not sure why a polyfill would be necessary merely to describe a problem for us to investigate. In other words, a polyfill doesn't even make sense for a proposal that's this early in the stage process.

Additionally, as I have indeed discussed in plenary before, this was a committee policy for years, but by the time I realized another proposal had done this, there wasn't consensus to block it (and that proposal hasn't sought advancement since). There, however, also is not consensus for a proposal to have a published polyfill, and that certainly is likely to come up in plenary as it seeks advancements.

Since this proposal was developed in secret (which is confusing given your previous feedback to me on the globalThis proposal), it wouldn't have been possible to me to comment on the introduction of the polyfill - this is the first I've been made aware of it.

littledan commented 2 months ago

I hid comments on this topic, which is not related to the PR at hand. Please raise your process proposals separately from development in this repository, and I am happy to keep discussing there.

littledan commented 1 month ago

Thanks for creating this automation. I am not sure of the best strategy for maintaining this (unstable) polyfill, so I am not ready to land this patch yet.

littledan commented 2 weeks ago

We'll be developing this code in a different repo.