tcfev / Fordem

For Democracy برای مردم‌گردانی
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Feature List #85

Open emadvote opened 1 year ago

emadvote commented 1 year ago

Networking (Chat etc.)

Deliberation (discussion)



Rich Text editor

Political calendar

Important/Missing(?): Add event/demonstration/political action/ conference/etc. to calendar.

Map view of NGO & Initiatives:

Search engine

User access level (entry, identified layers: I, II, III)


Censorship defiance & deniability:

Connect over Tor

Connect vie WIFI Direct, BTLE


Data analysis

desputinski commented 1 year ago

Is this supposed to be the list for the main functionalities of the app?

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

I reopen as the conversation regarding the feature list is not done yet. @desputinski please list the features we discussed plus tcfev/forDem#89 here. This will be heavily used and discussed in the coming days as we are moving towards implementation.

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

@emadvote @desputinski @Kobin-ts @zanzendegi Please check the updated feature list.

desputinski commented 1 year ago

Missing in the political Calendar-Section:

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

@desputinski feel free to edit the main entry and put these under the right entry. Later on we can make them separate issues.

desputinski commented 1 year ago


zanzendegi commented 1 year ago

The feature list looks pretty good. Thanks.

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

I was working on another list and created this as a more detailed feature list which I will gradually replace with the main:

Networking (Chat etc.)

Group Chat #41 Send / Receive E2EE chat DM #36 Search for chat partner #37

Connect button (+) | Relations: Follow, friend, partner, team #148

Explicitly Invite people/organizations/networks #97 Create profile for a project, network and NGOs #96 Find other project/network/NGOs in my region and/or political field Add a topic to a category, propose/create category Subscribe to tag/categories

Deliberation (discussion)

Discussion platform #8 design threaded conversations #73 Audio-visual conference #95 contextual linking of the content Auto-categorisation suggestion

Participation / Voting systems

Majority Plurality Proportional Condorcet


Make Receive Donation {hard, crypto}

Rich Text editor

collaborative editing (different access levels: comment, suggestion, edit) Embed image (audio, video, location, link in text)

Political calendar

Add event, conference/etc. to calendar. Automated linking of event based on context and topic Import/Export/Share calendar Search through calendar events Edit and republish Subscribe to a certain calendar Map view of events

Map view of NGO & Initiatives:

Map view with civil society organizations and initiatives, as well as an editor for registering them #6

Search engine

Search for chat partner #37 Offer/Find resource and Services for events/actions #14

User access level (entry, identified layers: Anony, pseudonym, known)

Registration, authentication

ZK-SNARK, public and private keys, digital signatures, mnemonic phrase


Hide an entry temporarily/permanently #99 Report abuse #98 Edit content/ Make edit suggestion #100

Censorship defiance & deniability:

Onion routing Decentralized servers P2P: Deliberate, participate and network via WIFI Direct, BTLE Sync P2P-global via DHT #101

Identification | confirmation

Send confirmation code via post #40 Identify via PostIdent, ID Now, Biological identification

lukas-h commented 1 year ago

Great effort!