tcfev / task-force-nika

Coordinates separate IT, Internet accessibility and (digital) democracy efforts targetting Iran (and other authoritarian regimes)
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Coalition of Efforts - Email #15

Open osAIran opened 1 year ago

osAIran commented 1 year ago

Hi All! The following message is proposed to to be sent to form an association and coalition. Please sends a thumbs up as your agreement or suggest what should be changed. @Chappie11 @IranNewsWatch @armantorkzaban

Coalition of Efforts

At this stage of revolution we lack collaboration, and the same ideas are being implemented in parallel. We need to organize our efforts and work together in this fight. In the past few weeks we got to know several initiatives with similar aims or working on pieces of a bigger set of technology. Here we are talking about digital platforms with participation, deliberation and networking features.

We noticed that the end goal of these groups covers the areas from physical network access, authentication, anonymity, deniability, mesh networks, network protocols, participation, deliberation and networking. The nature of all their efforts is open source and they share some key elements: all care for the freedom of their countries (Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) and all have a scientific and professional approach.

We noticed that all of these efforts share similar and often the same technical challenges. Teams are working on some similar challenges in parallel and their interim goals have overlaps.

We believe that these efforts should be associated, and our limited (human) resources have to be used to their fullest potential, and that we should work together to tackle the issue at hand.

Time is compressed in an unparalleled way and each day is a lost life; a single second wasted in parallel could result in human blood. We urge you, colleagues and free people of the world, to let us join our forces in our fight for freedom.

Therefore we would like to invite you to a meeting to discuss the formation of a workgroup, where we can inform each other about our ongoing projects, and discover overlapping areas of work.

For that we would like to ask you to add your availability in this Doodle xxxx

For transparency here are the recipients of this letter:

xxx xxx xxx xxx ...

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

Please include the hash of the names and keep the list in a shared G-drive@transcf. We need them for the record.

osAIran commented 1 year ago

Please include the hash of the names and keep the list in a shared G-drive@transcf. We need them for the record.

I don't have access to it. Can you please share the access? (I only have access to Coordination folder)

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

Create a shared folder in your account and make it available with the members of the org, or a select group of them. We will see it automatically. You can also do the following: email to (you will receive a copy!)