tcfev / task-force-nika

Coordinates separate IT, Internet accessibility and (digital) democracy efforts targetting Iran (and other authoritarian regimes)
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Introduce TFN on WeAreMahsaAmini/Core #5

Open armantorkzaban opened 1 year ago

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

Text: (compile the intro. text by editing this post directly) ...

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

@jinaamini @Chappie11 this job has the highest priority now! Dead line 48 hours

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

This is our intro. suggestion (@Chappie11 & I). Read it and add your suggestions:

Task Force Nika

is a group of dedicated individuals working towards a common goal of organizing the parallel IT-related efforts of the Iranian diasporic civil society under a philosophically and legally secure umbrella*.

Our team is made up of a diverse group of professionals and community members who are committed to assuring that IT efforts aiming for internet accessibility, and implementation of digital democracy targeting Iran (and other authoritarian regimes) run in coordination.

To achieve this goal, next to our own projects, we reach out to different groups, interview them and create & register their profiles in an atlas, and inform them regularly about the other groups and organizations with similar or complementing efforts. We also map the IT necessity landscape of the revolution in order to better understand the overall progress and identify areas where investment of the resources could be most beneficial.

We believe that by bringing together these efforts under a unified umbrella, we can make a greater impact in our efforts to promote internet accessibility and democracy in Iran. Our team is driven by a shared passion for freedom, it is dedicated to creating a positive change and is committed to finding creative and effective solutions to the challenges ahead of the Iran revolution. We invite others who share our vision to join and collaborate with us in this important collective effort and we welcome any opportunity for a collective work in our common journey. Join us today!

Find us here: You have a questions or need further assistance: You want to join us:

* We believe that when a product is made for a revolution, that product and the organisation producing it should belong to all those who identify themselves as revolutionaries and stick to the core values of that revolution. That means their equal opportunity to express their opinion should be guaranteed.

From the legal perspective, this would mean an equal chance of membership and an equal vote in the organisation that produces the revolutionary product.

TCF e.V., the heterarchical civic lab that hosts Task Force Nika, guarantees this basic principle in its constitution and practice. With clear decision making procedure, transparency protocols, financial transparency within the framework of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

I would include the essence of these two threads into the intro. text: