tcfev / task-force-nika

Coordinates separate IT, Internet accessibility and (digital) democracy efforts targetting Iran (and other authoritarian regimes)
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Atlas of Iranian diasporic civil society #8

Open armantorkzaban opened 1 year ago

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago


Match them based on these attributes and send it to them/public.

Put them on an open street map instance on 1st: Graphcommons Later:

Deadline: two weeks

IranNewsWatch commented 1 year ago

We can start with a simple markdown table. Let's start with collecting the data and turning it into a standard format. Let's think of a list of required/optional items

Items I can think of are:

Group name | Location | Registered? | Identity could be verified? | Objective | Current focus items | Number of members (Offical/else) | Open? How to become a member? | Platform(s) | Finanical Support? | Member in Iran or direct link (yes/no/no-answer) | Current challenges | Help needed | Help offered | Website | Contact: Twitter | Contact: Instagram | Contact: Telegram | Contact: Other | github

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

We can use Github templates for this purpose. We will then only need to add the items your mentioned inside the template. From then on the task is to open an issue (for us it means the Initiative's Profile Form). Once we have the formatted issues we can extract it using existing tools and make the data type we can feed the website etc. WDYT @IranNewsWatch?

osAIran commented 1 year ago

First version is up

IranNewsWatch commented 1 year ago

Great work @jinaamini

IranNewsWatch commented 1 year ago

I have this spreadsheet as well. Please request access and tag me here to accept

osAIran commented 1 year ago

Request sent

armantorkzaban commented 1 year ago

I went ahead and added this Wiki:

Please help make it look better.