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cache : lorsque j'ai un problème sur Tchap, je veux une solution magique #166

Open odelcroi opened 1 year ago

odelcroi commented 1 year ago

est ce qu’on rend plus facile le reset cache sur les clients?

Sur les 3 clients

Il aide à résoudre les problèmes les plus courants :

areox-net commented 10 months ago

Je propose d'ajouter un bouton refresh en bas à gauche. A terme le bouton Reglages pourrait disparaitre mais je préfere garder les deux pour rendre plus visible l'apparition d'un nouveau bouton. image

Quand l'user clique sur ce bouton il se grise et commence à tourner en étant inactif pendant quelque secondes. Cela devrait éviter les clics répétés eccessifs.


estellecomment commented 8 months ago

Sounds cool :) @areox-net Ya pas de texte. On met un tooltip ? Comment les gens peuvent trouver et comprendre ce bouton ?

areox-net commented 8 months ago

@estellecomment Je pense qu'il faudrait un tooltip comme pour le bouton settings. Pour le texte je propose:

Une fois nommé, pour la découverte et comprehension je pense qu'il faudra faire un article FAQ spéciphique.

estellecomment commented 8 months ago

Have we considered adding it in this menu ? (ignore ugly styling this is a mock)

Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 10 19 19 AM

Personally I'm careful about adding more different menus, I would rather reuse the existing ones so that the user knows where to look, but maybe that's just me. It would also allow showing the text label easily.

estellecomment commented 8 months ago

Android uses "Vider le cache". (I don't know if "cache" is understandable vocabulary)

"Rafraichir" and the arrow cycle icon is what is used for reloading the page, so the user could think that ctrl+R or clicking the browser refresh button is the same as "vider le cache" (it's not).

estellecomment commented 8 months ago

"Réparer tchap" ?

areox-net commented 8 months ago

Indeed. If we use "Rafraichir" it needs to say what. If "cache" is too technical we should fund something more user-oriented.
Personaly, I like "synchroniser"

areox-net commented 8 months ago

Have we considered adding it in this menu ? (ignore ugly styling this is a mock)

Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 10 19 19 AM

Personally I'm careful about adding more different menus, I would rather reuse the existing ones so that the user knows where to look, but maybe that's just me. It would also allow showing the text label easily.

The idea is have the button always visible without the need to look for it, so that FAQ and support can be straightforward. However, I like the idea of it being also in this menu.