tchegito / zildo

The Land of Alembrume
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

[2.54] Still exception on water lily !!! #166

Closed tchegito closed 5 years ago

tchegito commented 5 years ago

Once again:

Happened at date '2018-09-30' \n

map=igorlily (64x28)
Coords:(1004.0, 194.0 0.0)
mvt=TOUCHE pv=0 weapon=[SWORD,0] name=Ace lasthit=null]
Coords:(1004.0, 194.0 0.0)
mvt=TOUCHE pv=0 weapon=[SWORD,0] name=Ace lasthit=null, Perso=new
Coords:(226.0, 172.0 10.0)
mvt=VIDE pv=2, Perso=new
Coords:(425.0, 221.0 10.0)
mvt=VIDE pv=2, Perso=new
Coords:(743.0, 408.0 10.0)
mvt=VIDE pv=2]
variables={nettleCount=-1, Carlo=[[MOON, 1], 800, 1], allowedDynamite=yes, Dizzie=[[DYNAMITE, 1], 15, 20], moneyStolen=233.0, BilelIgorVillage=[[EMPTY_BAG, 1], 100, 2], [[BLUEDROP, 1], 15, -1], [[DYNAMITE, 1], 100, 2]}
scripts=2 scripts running {[death[3 on [herospecial 1 , music ZildoMort , fadeOut 5 , remove , filter 3 , fadeIn , sound ZildoDying , script zildo VIDE , angle zildo , wait 5 , angle zildo 1 , wait 5 , angle zildo 2 , wait 5 , angle zildo 3 , wait 5 , angle zildo , wait 5 , angle zildo 1 , wait 5 , angle zildo 2 , wait 5 , angle zildo 3 , wait 5 , angle zildo , wait 3 , angle zildo 1 , wait 4 , angle zildo 2 , perso zildo addSpr=0.0 , script zildo MORT , if hero_princess:1,0, wait 59 , fadeOut , end 1 ]],dieInWater[7 on [animation zildo.fwk.script.model.point.PointEvaluator@cb2edd5 WATER_SPLASH , sound ZildoPlonge , perso zildo addSpr=-1.0 , wait 10 , visible zildo , wait 40 , herospecial 1 5 , fadeOut 5 , perso zildo addSpr=-1.0 , focus zildo , actions]],}
quests=[flut_ask, flut, chateau_ask, enlevebuissons, enlevebuissons_win, gardelaitier, gardelaitier_win, ritou_bar, enlevement, hector_1, start_defi1, stop_defi1, start_visit1, suite_visit1_weapon, maltus_foret, maltus_foret_zildo_defeat, foretg_button_trig, foretg_apres_grotte, bosquet_kill_gards, bosquet_free_way, zildo_polaky_killguards, zildo_polaky, foret_back, start_visit2, trig_echange, tonneau_polakyg, fuite_tony1, vert_seen, attaque_voleurs, beanCaveFlames, meanwhile_voleurs, voleursm2u(4, 3), voleursm4(13, 3), trig_falcor, v3_crate, voleursm4_hiddenbutton, voleursm4_button, beenFishermanVillage, backCoucou, retour_trion, zildoDream, hector_call1, hector_call2, hector_call3, ask_visitprison, igor_promise_sword, prison4_openDoors, prisonext(40, 40), trip_polaky, polaky3(2, 7), bosquetbosquetm2, bosquetm77KEY, bosquetmbosquetm22, polaky4(27, 19), polaky4(31, 19), polakyg3polakyg42, voleursg1(18, 4), voleursg3(3, 14), voleursg2(31, 24), voleursm2u(10, 7), voleurscave(44, 5), voleurscave(44, 8), voleurscave(48, 8), voleurscave(48, 5), voleurscave(3, 32), voleursm3(8, 8)]
�Hezia�: You need a Moon Necklace with 2 Half-moons in it and 50 gold coins! That is my price.
Your two Half-moons have combined and you will now receive an additional Energy drop!
�Hezia�: Now, watch the show.
�Hezia�: Thanks for your money!
�Hezia�: Hi boy! My name is Hezia, the witch of the village. For 50 gold coins, I can increase your Energy.
�Gerard�: See you soon, Ace.
�Robert�: If you're looking for my brother, Gerard, he's in his home.
�Robert�: Hi Ace. As you can see, I'm exhausted from my work. There is always more work to do around here!
Thieves Camp
�Falcor�: You should visit the Desert of Valori to find this vulture.
It reads: <>
�Falcor�: If you're serious, come back to me when you have a Sword worthy of the name. Under our Camp, there is a fierce creature I will have you defeat.
�Falcor�: The black guards will be accountable to me for the Princess.
�Falcor�: You should visit the Desert of Valori to find this vulture.
It reads: 'I put the boy's things away. His money is in the attic, and boss has kept the Sword.'
Clearing of the Oaks
Nature, Ace! Be aware!
Nature, Ace! Be aware!
Nature, Ace! Be aware!
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'zildo.monde.util.Point, zildo.monde.util.Angle, boolean)' on a null object reference
    at zildo.server.MapManagement.shiftPreviousMap(
    at zildo.server.MapManagement.processChangingMap(
    at zildo.server.EngineZildo.renderEvent(
    at zildo.client.stage.SinglePlayer.updateGame(
    at zildo.client.Client.mainLoop(
    at com.alembrum.OpenGLRenderer.onDrawFrame(
    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
tchegito commented 5 years ago

[Fixed in 2.55]

Now a real thorough unit test has been made to fix all cases.
