tchegito / zildo

The Land of Alembrume
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

[2.57] Player blocked #178

Open tchegito opened 5 years ago

tchegito commented 5 years ago

Happened several times for the same user (11/08/2019)

map=sousbois6 (64x45)
Coords:(298.0, 429.0 8.0)
mvt=VIDE pv=5 weapon=[FLUT,0] name=Roxy lasthit=null, 300.0, 439.0 (80 - bank 0), 691.0, 540.0 (83 - bank 0), 300.0, 429.0 (SHADOW_SMALL), 691.0, 540.0 (102 - bank 0), 691.0, 540.0 (116 - bank 0), 691.0, 540.0 (115 - bank 0), Entity id=7
Coords:(298.0, 429.0 8.0)
mvt=VIDE pv=5 weapon=[FLUT,0] name=Roxy lasthit=null]
variables={Carlo=[[MOON, 1], 800, 1], fishWater=6.0, Dizzie=[[DYNAMITE, 1], 15, 20], moneyStolen=394.0, allowedDynamite=yes, allowedTakeFork=no, BilelIgorVillage=[[EMPTY_BAG,1],100,2],[[DYNAMITE,1],100,0], nettleCount=-1}
scripts=2 scripts running {[fromActionspriority[0 on [var allowedDynamite=yes]],fromActionspriority[0 on [tile (51, 11) willOWist , markQuest goOnStump ]],}
quests=[flut_ask, flut, chateau_ask, enlevebuissons, enlevebuissons_win, fermierperdu_ask, fermierperdu, fermierperdu_win, gardelaitier, gardelaitier_win, ritou_bar, enlevement, hector_1, start_defi1, stop_defi1, start_visit1, suite_visit1_weapon, maltus_foret, maltus_foret_zildo_defeat, foretg_button_trig, foretg_apres_grotte, bosquet_kill_gards, bosquet_free_way, polaky_greg, zildo_polaky_killguards, zildo_polaky, foret_back, start_visit2, trig_echange, voyante, tonneau_polakyg, fuite_tony1, vert_seen, attaque_voleurs, beanCaveFlames, meanwhile_voleurs, voleursm2u(4, 3), voleursm4(13, 3), trig_falcor, v3_crate, beenFishermanVillage, minsk_fishes, rewardMinsk, cheapDynamite, backCoucou, retour_trion, zildoDream, hector_call1, hector_call2, hector_call3, forbid_dynamiteCell, ask_visitprison, igor_promise_sword, prison4_openDoors, prison5_bigrat2kill, prison5_button1, prison5_button2, p6_trigger_smoke, prison7(22, 11), prison4l(9, 13), prison5(9, 2), zildoAccessIgor, waitIgor, freedIgor, meetLib1, getBackIgor, roxyMeetIsidore, hero_princess, sousbois4_left, fermem2(7, 15), prisonext(40, 40), trip_polaky, polaky3(2, 7), bosquetbosquetm2, bosquetm77KEY, bosquetmbosquetm22, polaky4(31, 19), polaky4(27, 19), polakyg3polakyg42, voleursg1(18, 4), voleursg3(3, 14), voleursm2u(10, 7), voleursm3(8, 8), allFishMinsk, prison(6, 2), secretDoorRevealed, waitingForIgor]
lastdialog=Oaks Forest
�Roxy�: I should try to reach it and find these Spirits.
�Roxy�: Oh! These walls have fallen into ruin. This must be the sacred place Isidore told me about.
�Roxy�: He's nice, but a bit chatty!
�Isidore�: You're welcome, princess!
�Roxy�: Very well, I will go there. That is my only lead. Thank you Isidore for your help.
�Isidore�: Them? Not at all! They are benevolent. On the contrary, inside the Palace there are traps everywhere.
�Roxy�: Are they dangerous, these Spirits?
�Isidore�: Those we call Ancient Spirits have always been wandering around the Palace, protecting the surrounding Nature.
�Isidore�: It's a very old, sacred place, built hundreds of moons ago by a forgotten people.
�Roxy�: Palace of Nature? A Spirit, you say? I know the land here, but I never heard of such thing.
�Isidore�: Maybe you can find an Ancient Spirit at the Palace of Nature. He may help you recover you human body.
�Roxy�: Please tell me!
�Isidore�: But I've got an idea!
�Isidore�: Alas...I'm not a magic rabbit.
�Roxy�: And I'm still a princess. I have to get back my human body. Do you know how this can be done?
�Isidore�: You know, I'm not familiar with humans...
�Roxy�: Not at all! I was a princess, daughter of the King Trion in Lugdunia.
�Isidore�: Is that so? Someone turned you into a squirrel? And what were you before? Rat, or earthworm? You got lucky!
�Roxy�: That's not what I meant! Yesterday I wasn't a squirrel. I have been transformed by magic.
�Isidore�: You know, you have to believe in yourself. We are small animals, but we are not so bad.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Impossible to have 2 unfinished singleplayer stages !
    at zildo.client.Client.mainLoop(
    at com.alembrum.OpenGLRenderer.onDrawFrame(
    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$