Closed hbairagi8 closed 2 years ago
Hi, Need some help with this issue. URGENT
If you want some URGENT help, please provide:
akhq_logs.txt Hi attaching the logs from akhq and here is the broker configuration(the password,username and broker endpoints are hidden here)
bootstrap.servers: "broker_values_dummy"
security.protocol: SASL_SSL
sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
sasl.jaas.config: required username="username" password="password";
Hi, Can you please give some details here? I have attached the logs and application file in above comment
Nothing relevant on the logs or the configuration files.
I think your users don't have any rights on this cluster or may have a regexp that limit the topic visible. Can you try with your users on kcat to validate this ?
I seem to be having an issue with Kafka broker and topic information in the GUI. I can see nodes and topics associated with it, but can't see topics list info in the GUI? while checking the cluster from GUI it is saying No data available. Attaching the images and YAML files(both of these having some dummy values in them, due to confidentiality with the details) Figure 1 - shows the error Figure 2 - shows the broker endpoints but partitions are not loading. We have just put the broker, username, and password values as dummy values. Apart from these three, we haven't manipulated anything in the application YAML file. Please help us to resolve this issue. Thank you in advance
Application YAML file content