tchiotludo / akhq

Kafka GUI for Apache Kafka to manage topics, topics data, consumers group, schema registry, connect and more...
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Couldn't view topic and connect after upgrading to 0.25 #1805

Open VisionaryAries opened 4 weeks ago

VisionaryAries commented 4 weeks ago

Couldn't view topic and connect after upgrading to 0.25, the topic and connect page are display loading, the log shows below error.

2024-06-04 15:48:04,649 ERROR io-executor-thread-8 o.akhq.controllers.ErrorController Cannot invoke "" because the return value of "java.util.Map.get(Object)" is null
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because the return value of "java.util.Map.get(Object)" is null
        at org.akhq.controllers.AbstractController.lambda$buildUserBasedResourceFilters$5(
        at java.base/$3$1.accept(
        at java.base/$2$1.accept(
        at java.base/java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
        at java.base/
        at java.base/
        at java.base/$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(
        at java.base/
        at java.base/
        at org.akhq.controllers.AbstractController.buildUserBasedResourceFilters(
        at org.akhq.controllers.TopicController.list(
        at org.akhq.controllers.$TopicController$Definition$Exec.dispatch(Unknown Source)
        at io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition$DispatchedExecutableMethod.invokeUnsafe(
        at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext$BeanContextUnsafeExecutionHandle.invokeUnsafe(
        at io.micronaut.web.router.AbstractRouteMatch.execute(
        at io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor.executeRouteAndConvertBody(
        at io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor.lambda$callRoute$6(
        at io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow.lambda$async$1(
        at io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext.lambda$wrap$3(
AlexisSouquiere commented 4 weeks ago

Please check the documentation after the new RBAC release to take into account the breaking changes

dheeg commented 3 weeks ago

@AlexisSouquiere Hi we updated as well and see the error above.

Authentication is done via oauth2. Our setup: []
      - resources: [ "NODE" ]
        actions: [ "READ", "READ_CONFIG" ]
      - resources: [ "NODE" ]
        actions: [ "READ", "READ_CONFIG", "ALTER_CONFIG" ]
      - resources: [ "TOPIC", "TOPIC_DATA" ]
        actions: [ "READ" ]
      - resources: [ "TOPIC" ]
        actions: [ "READ_CONFIG" ]
      - resources: [ "TOPIC", "TOPIC_DATA" ]
        actions: [ "READ", "CREATE", "DELETE" ]
      - resources: [ "TOPIC" ]
        actions: [ "UPDATE", "READ_CONFIG", "ALTER_CONFIG" ]
      - resources: [ "CONNECTOR" ]
        actions: [ "READ" ]
      - resources: [ "CONNECTOR" ]
        actions: [ "READ", "CREATE", "UPDATE_STATE" ]
      - resources: [ "CONNECTOR" ]
        actions: [ "READ", "CREATE", "UPDATE_STATE", "DELETE" ]
      - resources: [ "SCHEMA" ]
        actions: [ "READ" ]
      - resources: [ "SCHEMA" ]
        actions: [ "READ", "CREATE", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "DELETE_VERSION" ]
      - resources: [ "CONSUMER_GROUP" ]
        actions: [ "READ" ]
      - resources: [ "CONNECT_CLUSTER" ]
        actions: [ "READ" ]
      - resources: [ "KSQLDB" ]
        actions: [ "READ", "EXECUTE" ]

We use the external EXTERNAL_REST_URL as per The following document is returned for the example user which results in the error above:

{"groups": {"generated": [{"role": "node-admin", "patterns": [".*"], "clusters": [".*"]}, {"role": "topic-admin", "patterns": [".*"], "clusters": [".*"]}, {"role": "connect-admin", "patterns": [".*"], "clusters": [".*"]}, {"role": "registry-admin", "patterns": [".*"], "clusters": [".*"]}, {"role": "group-read", "patterns": [".*"], "clusters": [".*"]}, {"role": "connect-cluster-read", "patterns": [".*"], "clusters": [".*"]}, {"role": "ksqldb-admin", "patterns": [".*"], "clusters": [".*"]}]}}

From my understanding of the documentation I would expect that the group with the name "generated" refers to the roles in the configuration and access to topics should be possible for the user. The /api/me endpoint after login does not reflect that, it shows a configuration I'm not sure were it comes from, but even this configuration should allow topic access?

"logged": true,
"username": "xyz",
"roles": [
"resources": [
"actions": [
"patterns": [
"clusters": [
"resources": [
"actions": [
"patterns": [
"clusters": [
"resources": [
"actions": [
"patterns": [
"clusters": [
VisionaryAries commented 3 weeks ago

Please check the documentation after the new RBAC release to take into account the breaking changes

@AlexisSouquiere Thanks a lot, the issue is solved after applying the latest configuration about RBAC.

AlexisSouquiere commented 3 weeks ago

@dheeg /api/me returns all your permissions flattened (resources, actions, patterns and clusters) without any references to the roles name. In any case, the response should match (in terms of resources, actions, patterns and clusters) the response of your external claim provider.

For me there is an inconsistency between the external claim provider response and the /api/me response. group-read and connect-cluster-read permissions are missing from the /api/me response.

Please increase log level by adding

  levels: TRACE

And put the log to see the authentication flow execution. In my company we are using the external claim provider too (with LDAP auth) so I think something is missing in the configuration