The service just exit with no error in the log. The last line in the log indicate that the service is running:
cp-kafka_cp-akhq.1.ukf0i2ulcz44@uacluster01 | 2024-10-29 13:38:07,688 INFO main io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut Startup completed in 3861ms. Server Running: http://cp-akhq:8080/akhq
However, the service is not run correctly:
➤ docker service ls |grep akhq
4y3bvpxdgso3 cp-kafka_cp-akhq replicated 0/1 tchiotludo/akhq:latest *:9800->8080/tcp
➤ docker service ps cp-kafka_cp-akhq --no-trunc
wmpmopsxq8d8d5jtpbfa1ufrm cp-kafka_cp-akhq.1 tchiotludo/akhq:latest@sha256:cfaef8f419c4e4b78c583597d6428b63166e90eeb194af890264d68051a22180 uacluster01 Running Starting 13 seconds ago
8jxl2vd2u0h876a9a1lrr9mgg \_ cp-kafka_cp-akhq.1 tchiotludo/akhq:latest@sha256:cfaef8f419c4e4b78c583597d6428b63166e90eeb194af890264d68051a22180 uacluster01 Shutdown Failed 19 seconds ago "task: non-zero exit (137): dockerexec: unhealthy container"
tqbaoxh6ywvbbx3h8anjon2ax \_ cp-kafka_cp-akhq.1 tchiotludo/akhq:latest@sha256:cfaef8f419c4e4b78c583597d6428b63166e90eeb194af890264d68051a22180 uacluster01 Shutdown Failed 3 minutes ago "task: non-zero exit (137): dockerexec: unhealthy container"
Exit code 173 suggests OOM, but there's no OOM error in docker journal log or any log. The node where it chose to run the AKHQ had plenty of RAM.
While I'm able to run akhq version 0.18 on docker swarm, every latest version I tried failed to start.
This is the working docker-config configuration:
This is the version that doesn't work:
The service just exit with no error in the log. The last line in the log indicate that the service is running:
cp-kafka_cp-akhq.1.ukf0i2ulcz44@uacluster01 | 2024-10-29 13:38:07,688 INFO main io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut Startup completed in 3861ms. Server Running: http://cp-akhq:8080/akhq
However, the service is not run correctly:
Exit code 173 suggests OOM, but there's no OOM error in docker journal log or any log. The node where it chose to run the AKHQ had plenty of RAM.
Docker version is more or less up to date
I even tried adding -Xmx1024k and -Xmx512m to the jvm.options file, but it changed nothing.